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What's your method to blast?

[Aug 14,2012 12:54pm - Rookie  ""]
I've been blasting with my wrist but get tired after a little while, any suggestions?
Share your techniques!
[Aug 14,2012 12:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
I do Anal blasts because Don Decker RIP.
[Aug 14,2012 1:00pm - narkybark ""]
[Aug 14,2012 1:01pm - eye-gore ""]
I've been blasting w/ my wrists since i was about 9yrs old and I personally.....wait this is a drum thread, nvrmnd
[Aug 14,2012 1:09pm - Lamp ""]
[Aug 14,2012 1:11pm - Yeti ""]
i don't blast. i blurst.
[Aug 14,2012 1:16pm - eye-gore ""]

Lamp said:[img]
HAHAHA!!!!Rock out witya cock out!!!
[Aug 14,2012 6:16pm - The mex nlI  ""]
You're doing it dong
[Aug 14,2012 6:19pm - The mex nlI  ""]
Finger blasts for days khed. I believe it's referred to as the french grip technique. Youtube that shit sonion.
[Aug 14,2012 6:34pm - chernobyl ""]
the master of blasts speaks
[Aug 14,2012 7:11pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
You definitely want to make sure you're not moving your fingers or wrists at all. It should be all elbow and shoulder like the guy from Id.
[Aug 14,2012 7:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
1. Play drums
2. Play drums faster
3. Play drums fasterer
4. ????
5. Profit!

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