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Cryostasium/Thor Maillet collaborative material available for download

[Sep 3,2012 7:33pm - Strep_cunt ""]
My brother and I just finished an album we decided to call "Twinnings" that might be of some interest to some of the people here. This is a dark ambient project: some call it soundtrack music. Check "Twinnings" as well as our first release. Thanks.

[Sep 3,2012 7:55pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
just listened to the first album this afternoon, good stuff. where is that source material from that you guys are reading through a pitch shifter, on track 9 i think?
[Sep 3,2012 9:13pm - Strep_Cunt ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:just listened to the first album this afternoon, good stuff. where is that source material from that you guys are reading through a pitch shifter, on track 9 i think?

That's a synopsis from the Simpsons episode where Homer finds his half-brother. It's basically the whole episode described.
[Sep 3,2012 9:26pm - trioxin245 ""]
as in... Twinnings T and the Neatness? I have actually listened to both cds you gave me several times. Digging it.
[Sep 3,2012 10:12pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
the record you gave me still gets spins over here. Some solid headphones music.
[Sep 4,2012 6:41am - Strep_Cunt ""]

trioxin245 said:as in... Twinnings T and the Neatness? I have actually listened to both cds you gave me several times. Digging it.

YES. YES ROSS. WE LOVE YOU BOSTON PEOPLE! Only not as jokey haha and this actually is real.

And Thanks Sean! That's awesome. I'll have to hook you up with copies of this shit.
[Sep 4,2012 6:17pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

Strep_Cunt said:
slar%20you%20morbid? said:just listened to the first album this afternoon, good stuff. where is that source material from that you guys are reading through a pitch shifter, on track 9 i think?

That's a synopsis from the Simpsons episode where Homer finds his half-brother. It's basically the whole episode described.

haha nice, in related news im using a sample from the show "wilfred" for DGM, whodathunkit?
[Sep 5,2012 2:00am - Strep_Cunt ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:
Strep_Cunt said:
slar%20you%20morbid? said:just listened to the first album this afternoon, good stuff. where is that source material from that you guys are reading through a pitch shifter, on track 9 i think?

That's a synopsis from the Simpsons episode where Homer finds his half-brother. It's basically the whole episode described.

haha nice, in related news im using a sample from the show "wilfred" for DGM, whodathunkit?

never seen it. sure it's good though. I need to hear the new stuff if youre recording it.
[Sep 5,2012 7:23am - nekronaut ""]
Downloaded this the other day.. Really like it.
[Sep 5,2012 10:53am - ark  ""]
my maillet is so thor right now...really though i gotta check this out later
[Sep 5,2012 1:59pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
hahah nice...thanks.

also, album cover...very 70's:

[Sep 6,2012 5:14pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
actually, scrap the artwork.

We got Christy Romanick for the job.


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