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Lord Wind - Ales Stenar

[Sep 7,2012 5:54pm - trioxin245 ""]
just got this in the mail today, so far it's excellent, somewhat varied with a few weak moments here and there, but overall I'm digging it a lot. Lots more percussion than the average LW. I really like the last album Atlantean Monument so I was psyched to get this.
Wolf Tyr is doing an LP version as well, which is nice since most LW is only on cd or cassette.


[Sep 7,2012 5:57pm - trioxin245 ""]
The tendency to call this a 'side project' or to relate it to black metal in any way other than the fact that its progenitor is also involved in black metal bands bothers me, because there is some really excellent songwriting and pagan atmosphere here that is in direct contrast to black metal.
[Sep 7,2012 6:00pm - trioxin245 ""]
also, Rob appears to be channeling Vigo the Carpathian

[Sep 7,2012 9:09pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Lord Wind = best D&D soundtrack, hands down
[Sep 7,2012 9:13pm - LucidCurse ""]
lord wind is always a great choice
[Sep 8,2012 8:58am - conservationist ""]
Great fucking album.

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