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Pearl Jam - Ten (Appreciation)

[Sep 13,2012 9:34am - MikeOv  ""]
I know my homeboy AB will back me up on this one.


[Sep 13,2012 9:35am - Jeremy NLI  ""]
Yo who you calling a little fuck?
[Sep 13,2012 9:39am - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
yes. The reissue is a great release. I think the remixed version is WAY better. Saw them at Lollapalooza 1992
[Sep 13,2012 9:45am - Burnsy ""]
ITT: Jeremy's

::puts on sunglasses::


[Sep 13,2012 9:57am - KEVORD ""]
This is one of those albums that has been so over played that I'd be happy to never hear it again.
[Sep 13,2012 10:22am - ark  ""]
it's sooooo overplayed and i'm fine with never hearing it again but still one of the best albums of the 90's
[Sep 13,2012 10:36am - Yeti ""]
1000% backed. i haven't paid attention to the radio in at least 10 years, if not longer, so recently i've been listening to many albums i avoided due to oversaturation. this is one of them. that song "Porch" is incredible.
[Sep 13,2012 11:06am - largefreakatzero ""]

KEVORD said:This is one of those albums that has been so over played that I'd be happy to never hear it again.

Yeah, you are probably about my age (I'm 38) and like me, heard quite enough of this album 20 years ago.

It is a great album though, but I can't listen to it anymore thanks to the fucking radio.
[Sep 13,2012 11:07am - trioxin245 ""]
not a fan.
[Sep 13,2012 11:10am - MikeOv  ""]
Glad I don't listen to the radio so this album never got played out.

Also, this didn't say "Unappreciation", Ross

[Sep 13,2012 11:30am - trioxin245 ""]
I'm appreciating the fact that I'm listening to Catasexual Urge Motivation instead of Pearl Jam :D
[Sep 13,2012 12:07pm - The_Rooster ""]
One of my favorites for sure. I also got sorta tired of it from all the over-playing on the radio (Nirvana was the same), but when that re-mix came out... it was like hearing it for the first time again. They really did a great job with that.

I still don't listen to it often, but I do enjoy it when I do.
[Sep 13,2012 12:48pm - ark  ""]
aside from npr i don't even know what radio is. just one of those things that's "on" in the world, and pearl jam and nirvana are two of those great bands i'd rather not hear ever again.
[Sep 13,2012 12:57pm - trioxin245 ""]
nirvana >>>>>>>>>> pearl jam
[Sep 13,2012 1:02pm - Spence ""]
This is the album that single handily got me into grunge.

Seriously great stuff. Shame the band never was able to match the magic of this CD with any future releases.
[Sep 13,2012 1:16pm - Lamp ""]
Pearl Jam always has some good songs on most of their albums, though it's hard to say which one is the best. I don't think it's this one though.
[Sep 13,2012 1:32pm - KEVORD ""]

Spence said:This is the album that single handily got me into grunge.
It's funny seeing it from a younger persons perspective. From 91 - 95 grunge was shoved down our throats on a daily basis. I really dug that stuff in highschool but now it's probably how my parents look at disco. It just seems cheesy.
[Sep 13,2012 1:37pm - Lamp ""]
The only reason I even give Pearl Jam the time of day is because they've been my dad's favorite band for a really long time. I'd rather listen to them than Nirvana any day while we're at it.
[Sep 13,2012 1:55pm - Spence ""]

Lamp said:I'd rather listen to them or any other grunge band ever than Nirvana while we're at it.
[Sep 13,2012 1:56pm - arilliusbm ""]

trioxin245 said:nirvana >>>>>>>>>> pearl jam
[Sep 13,2012 1:58pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Well said, KEVO. I have a friend whose favorite band is pearl jam, dunno how he does it. I can only tolerate Vedder's voice for so long.
[Sep 13,2012 2:00pm - trioxin245 ""]

Alx_Casket said:I can only tolerate Vedder's voice for so long.

[Sep 13,2012 2:12pm - MikeOv  ""]

arilliusbm said:
trioxin245 said:pearl jam >>>>>>>>>> blessed offal

[Sep 13,2012 2:15pm - trioxin245 ""]

MikeOv said:
arilliusbm said:
trioxin245 said:peach flavored seltzer water >>>>>>>>>> blessed offal

[Sep 13,2012 2:28pm - trioxin245 ""]

MikeOv said:
arilliusbm said:
trioxin245 said:smashing pumpkins >>>>>>>>>> pearl jam

[Sep 13,2012 2:30pm - ark  ""]
[Sep 13,2012 2:30pm - ark  ""]
SP is another one of those overplayed bands that I will still gladly listen to
[Sep 13,2012 2:30pm - Burnsy ""]
[Sep 13,2012 2:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
Billy Corgan = Skinny Ross
[Sep 13,2012 2:34pm - Spence ""]
I actually never listened to Smashing Pumpkins beyond the two or three songs that play on the radio.

Album recommendations yo.
[Sep 13,2012 2:35pm - trioxin245 ""]

[Sep 13,2012 2:36pm - trioxin245 ""]

[Sep 13,2012 2:37pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
initial post is back'd hard

love this album.
[Sep 13,2012 2:37pm - trioxin245 ""]


[Sep 13,2012 2:38pm - Burnsy ""]
Someone post jellybelly for fuck's sake. Also post here is no why. I always fuck up video embedding on phone.
[Sep 13,2012 2:39pm - trioxin245 ""]

Burnsy said:Someone post jellybelly for fuck's sake. Also post here is no why. I always fuck up video embedding on phone.

[Sep 13,2012 2:39pm - trioxin245 ""]
anyway, back on task folks, didn't mean to derail thread.
[Sep 13,2012 2:39pm - ark  ""]

Spence said:I actually never listened to Smashing Pumpkins beyond the two or three songs that play on the radio.

Album recommendations yo.

Mellon Collie and Siamese Dream are my tops, i forget the last one they did. first one is good too. and yikes, this was one of the last great "radio bands", i have no idea what your crop listens to now. i will always have a soft spot for SP where most other bands from back then i gladly forgot about.
[Sep 13,2012 2:45pm - Burnsy ""]
AndrewBastardnli said:

lol. Indeed you did. Opened thread, put phone down, posted without a reload. Shitty poster am I.
[Sep 13,2012 3:43pm - ShadowSDNLI  ""]
Jeremy was always one of my favorites, still holds up for me to this day. Really great guitar and vocal texturing, very sophisticated yet simple modulations, very metal in terms of the melodies and chord changes despite the band being labeled based on fashion and region ("grunge"), and honestly something so far from what Nirvana could ever have been capable of that I never understood what exactly the two bands were supposed to have in common, except wearing flannel in Seattle.

Black is also really good, second half especially, and I also like Porch, Release Me, and even though I don't care to hear them more than once every couple years because they're overplayed, Alive and Evenflow.

Pearl Jam's next album was way less good - one really good song, two decent ones, and a pile of crap besides that - and after that everything they put out for at least a decade was consistently shit. That Yellow Bedwetter song has to be one of the worst things I have ever heard.
[Sep 13,2012 5:01pm - Ancient_Master nli  ""]
cannot get on board
Eddie Vedder >> the originator of "chin rock"

see: nickleback, creed, bush etc
[Sep 13,2012 5:17pm - Yeti ""]
hahaha chin rock. however do not fault the creator for the followers.
[Sep 13,2012 5:17pm - Yeti ""]
it's like faulting Venom for Liturgy.
[Sep 13,2012 5:19pm - yummy ""]
Release and Garden are my favorites.
[Sep 13,2012 10:54pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
i have to listen to WAAF at work most days, and despite their being overplayed to all hell, i still enjoy soundgarden, nirvana, and most alice in chains stuff every time it comes on, pearl jam however is a band that i went from feeling moderate disdain and boredom for, to fullon visceral hatred towards, this very afternoon, while mr. vedder whined "WHOOOOOUUUUUIIIIIIIIEEEEEEYYEEMM STILL UHHHLIEEEEVVVEEEEEEUUGHHHHYEAAHHHHHUHHHH", i remember cursing under my breath, "not for much longer i hope, not for much longer..."
Seriously, FUCK rhea pearljam.
[Sep 14,2012 7:23am - Yeti ""]
hahahahahaha this thread is now about Eddie Vedder's singing.

[Sep 14,2012 11:31pm - neverpurified nli  ""]
This song should have been on Ten, and these are the lyrics I sing when I listen to this song


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