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Infernal Stronghold (from Philly) SET, Cleansing Wave, Triforium Dawn, Ancient Power at Hotel Vernon, Worcester 9/19

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Sep 18,2012 3:28pm - boblovesmusic ""]

saw no thread for this one, figured I'd make one!

Infernal Stronghold (from Philly)
Cleansing Wave
Triforium Dawn
Ancient Power

Wednesday Sept 19
Hotel Vernon, 16 Kelley Square, Worcester, MA 8pm $5
[Sep 18,2012 4:17pm - Lamp ""]
Hmm... I'm guessing I have to work on Friday night and am not working tomorrow, so perhaps I'll go up to this.
[Sep 18,2012 4:21pm - socks n sandals black metal  ""]
might attend with holes in my socks to show my feet are more brutal than these bands.
[Sep 19,2012 12:05pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Totally brutal show tonight!
[Sep 19,2012 9:01pm - Samantha ""]
Damn it. I didn't realize this show was tonight until tonight. I would go right now if I wasn't already in pajamas enjoying delicious sirloin.
[Sep 20,2012 3:40am - Lamp ""]
Went to the show. Had beers. Rocked out. Had fun.
[Sep 20,2012 8:58am - the_reverend ""]

Samantha said:Damn it. I didn't realize this show was tonight until tonight. I would go right now if I wasn't already in pajamas enjoying delicious sirloin.
it was 9pm and you are female. all females are in their pjs at 4pm.
[Sep 20,2012 10:03am - Samantha ""]
Try wearing 4" heels and a skirt all day, and see how quickly you get in your PJs once you get home from work.
[Sep 20,2012 10:08am - the_reverend ""]
why would i ever wear shitty and uncomfortable clothing?
[Sep 20,2012 1:50pm - Lamp ""]
As much as Infernal Stronghold and Cleansing Wave tore it up, I think Set may have been the best band of the night or maybe just what I was most in the mood for. Band is so fucking good.
[Sep 20,2012 2:07pm - the_reverend ""]
their tape is really good too.
[Sep 20,2012 8:02pm - Samantha ""]

the_reverend said:why would i ever wear shitty and uncomfortable clothing?

Because society tells you you're supposed to look pretty. :ralphie:
[Sep 20,2012 8:28pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Set were the best they've ever sounded. They've always been good to me but last night they went to that next level of awesome. Awesome dudes too!
[Sep 20,2012 9:21pm - the_reverend ""]

Samatha said:
the_reverend said:why would i ever wear shitty and uncomfortable clothing?

Because society tells you you're supposed to look pretty. :ralphie:

I have never found high heels attractive. I think they look both shitty and retarded. Any girl wearing high heels out with me is assured of one thing, if shit goes down, I just have to out run her.

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