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Shinning once again proving how gay, shitty and emo they are.

[Sep 19,2012 3:51pm - Boozegood ""]
Kvarforth being xEDGYx as usual:


Haha, this one rules:

[Sep 19,2012 4:09pm - Burnsy ""]
Total Utfrysning is a killer song. Actually the album it's on is pretty killer. Awesome riffage, great guitar playing and musicianship.
[Sep 19,2012 4:12pm - Boozegood ""]

Burnsy said:Total Utfrysning is a killer song. Actually the album it's on is pretty killer. Awesome riffage, great guitar playing and musicianship.

I guess I just don't get it. I think I'm the only one who doesn't like this band.
[Sep 19,2012 4:15pm - Burnsy ""]
Nah man, plenty of people hate this band. The vocals can be irritating. I just really dig that particular album. Don't know much else by them.
[Sep 19,2012 4:17pm - trioxin245 ""]
I like some of Shinings material, but overall they are definitely way overrated.
[Sep 19,2012 4:18pm - Burnsy ""]
LOL @ that second video hahaha.
[Sep 19,2012 4:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
Most people hate his vocals. From a guitar playing and compositional standpoint, Shining has some superb albums.
[Sep 19,2012 4:31pm - Treehouse of Horor  ""]
[Sep 19,2012 4:31pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Their newer shit is garbage compared to their old stuff. The feeling isn't there anymore. And man, what a disappointing live performance these days.
[Sep 19,2012 9:20pm - MikeOv  ""]
Disagree with most opinions posted here. Kvarforth and Shining are one of the only groups I follow and have any faith in, these days. I think his vocal style is totally killer and quite fascist sounding! Considering that Kvarforth is only what? 29? I think he's a rather ambitious artist and has a lot to show for himself, up to this point in his career. Their songwriting is very relevant to my interests and the aesthetics are spot on. I am greatly anticipating "Redefining Darkness", which he has stated is their most black metal sounding release to date, and, in his opinion, their darkest material yet.

I find Shining to be anything but overrated and I say keep up the good work, Kvarforth and Co.
[Sep 19,2012 11:43pm - Uh ""]

Alx_Casket said:Their newer shit is garbage compared to their old stuff. The feeling isn't there anymore. And man, what a disappointing live performance these days.

I never ended up listening to much past IV, and I've enjoyed some really good shit off those first few albums. I haven't even really heard much of their material after this, and will probably check it out at some point, but from the few songs I have heard I don't have much high hopes.

Definitely would be interested in checking out their newest album coming out though which I had no clue about until now.
[Sep 19,2012 11:49pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Treehouse%20of%20Horor said:[img]

[Sep 20,2012 12:06am - the_reverend ""]
black jazz sort of sucked... IV and V were my favs.
never listened to VI or VII that I remember.
[Sep 20,2012 12:12am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
Black Jazz was not a record by Kvarforth's Shining. It's another Shining entirely.
[Sep 20,2012 12:14am - Uh ""]

the_reverend said:black jazz sort of sucked... IV and V were my favs.
never listened to VI or VII that I remember.

Blackjazz was a different band, from norway. Sounds nothing alike, but I made the same mistake when I first checked it out though.

[Sep 20,2012 12:19am - the_reverend ""]
Phew... No wonder its not on the wiki.
I might have heard vi when it was leaked. Not sure.
[Sep 20,2012 12:26am - Burnsy ""]


Was on my phone earlier and I always fuck up youtube embeds on my phone. This track is awesome.
[Sep 20,2012 12:59am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
This is my shit.

I don't know how anyone could dislike this.

[Sep 20,2012 1:04am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
So damn good.

Epic riffs & chorus.

Apparently this song/video is about his addiction to heroin and features Håkan Hemlin from Swedish pop/folk act "Nordman" who also struggled with heroin addiction as well.

[Sep 20,2012 6:56am - truequintessence_nli  ""]
The guitar playing has gotten better and better the last few albums. I have a weird thing about this band where I kind of want to dislike them but I cant help but dig a lot of their songs. Didn't like the Opeth like singing on the last album at all though. And some of the samples seem really over the top melodramatic.
[Sep 20,2012 7:03am - arilliusbm ""]

the_reverend said:black jazz sort of sucked... IV and V were my favs.
never listened to VI or VII that I remember.

Lol'd hard.
[Sep 20,2012 7:31am - Yeti ""]
i agree with OP. everything about this band annoys me.
[Sep 20,2012 8:20am - arilliusbm ""]
I would make the argument that Shining has one of the more original sounds in all of metal. There's not many bands that sound like them.
[Sep 20,2012 9:15am - chrisREX ""]
Shinning rules. When i see videos the singer guy comes off as a mall goth, so stick to just listening to Shinning. It's pretty incredible how they can make those blusey parts work so well.
[Sep 20,2012 10:41am - trioxin245 ""]

MikeOfDecrepitude said:This is my shit.

I don't know how anyone could dislike this.


Yea I mean, I'm not saying I HATE it. It's just one of those bands that I can't necessarily find anything specific that I dislike, but at the same time they just never really did anything for me, with a few exceptions. I feel the same way about Forgotten Tomb. Maybe I'm missing the point, because I can definitely see the appeal, and I definitely don't think it's BAD, it just doesn't blow me away.

edit: and yes, I own this album, as well as III, and of the material I've heard I definitely think V is the best.
[Sep 20,2012 10:47am - ark  ""]
the best track is the 10 minute bathory ripoff. i don't know what is called. something swedish. someone post it.
[Sep 20,2012 12:21pm - trioxin245 ""]

trioxin245 said:
MikeOfDecrepitude said:This is my shit.

I don't know how anyone could dislike this.

Yea, that's how I feel about later-era Bathory. When I listen to it I hear nothing but musical genius, but there's plenty of people out there who think it's crap. Oh well.

[Sep 20,2012 12:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
Octagon is purr genius.
[Sep 20,2012 12:31pm - Boozegood ""]

trioxin245 said:
Yea, that's how I feel about later-era Bathory. When I listen to it I hear nothing but musical genius, but there's plenty of people out there who think it's crap. Oh well.

I know that feel.

When are we saying later-era starts?

90's since Octagon was mentioned?

Blood on Ice is my favorite Bathory album (yea yea I know it's not TECHNICALLY newer stuff but fuck it it wasn't recorded til later so it counts).

And Requiem slays.

But yea Bathory just rules obviously.

Haven't given Nordland I/II much of a try though, just got them on vinyl though so that's about to change.
[Sep 20,2012 12:40pm - LucidCurse ""]

arilliusbm said:Octagon is purr genius.

yeaaaaa I dont know about that one
[Sep 20,2012 12:44pm - MikeOv  ""]
Only the sarcasm meter is real.
[Sep 20,2012 12:44pm - trioxin245 ""]

Boozegood said:
trioxin245 said:
Yea, that's how I feel about later-era Bathory. When I listen to it I hear nothing but musical genius, but there's plenty of people out there who think it's crap. Oh well.

Haven't given Nordland I/II much of a try though

Nordland I has one of my favorite Batlord tracks evar


But yea, when I say 'later-era Bathory' I'm referring to Hammerheart, Twilight, Blood on Ice, Nordland, Destroyer, etc.
[Sep 20,2012 12:56pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
you boyz are so kvlt!
[Sep 20,2012 12:57pm - CRICKETS!  ""]

Randy_Marsh said:you boyz are so kvlt!

[Sep 20,2012 12:58pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
are you the stalker?
[Sep 20,2012 12:59pm - lvl 36 wizard  ""]
Would any of you gentle flatlanders have any Topaz available?
[Sep 20,2012 1:03pm - trioxin245 ""]
I knew aril was creeping around ITT somewhere.
[Sep 20,2012 1:12pm - Yeti ""]
Shining is the new Inquisition.
[Sep 20,2012 1:19pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

Yeti said:Shining is the new Semisonic.
[Sep 20,2012 1:21pm - trioxin245 ""]

Yeti said:Shining is the new Inquisition.

I wouldn't go that far, Shining is definitely more than Inquisition.
[Sep 20,2012 1:24pm - Burnsy ""]
Randy, that's two 90s bands I threw out there last week in two of your posts within minutes. I think that YOU are the stalker. Also, comparing shining to inquisition is like comparing particle physics to women's studies.
[Sep 20,2012 1:25pm - trioxin245 ""]

Burnsy said:Also, comparing shining to inquisition is like comparing particle physics to women's studies.

[Sep 20,2012 1:27pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

Burnsy said:Randy, that's two 90s bands I threw out there last week in two of your posts within minutes. I think that YOU are the stalker.

Wait what? Weird...I didn't even know this, do you have proof?
[Sep 20,2012 1:29pm - lvl 36 wizard  ""]
Tristram soldiers have alerted the high king on matters which pertain to this thread. There is a shortage of Topaz in the land. Is it hard to ask so much for a Shining piece of Topaz?
[Sep 20,2012 1:35pm - Burnsy ""]

Randy_Marsh said:
Wait what? Weird...I didn't even know this, do you have proof?

[Sep 20,2012 1:53pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Post links or didnt happen
[Sep 20,2012 1:57pm - Burnsy ""]
[Sep 20,2012 2:00pm - fag detector  ""]

lvl%2036%20wizard said:Tristram soldiers have alerted the high king on matters which pertain to this thread. There is a shortage of Topaz in the land. Is it hard to ask so much for a Shining piece of Topaz?

gay wizard strikes again with his fag puns, level 36 means all the dudes that have banged him
[Sep 20,2012 2:00pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

Burnsy said:[img]

Weird coincidence..Seriously didn't know you posted that..
[Sep 20,2012 2:05pm - eye-gore ""]

Boozegood said:Kvarforth being xEDGYx as usual:


Haha, this one rules:


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[Sep 20,2012 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
i wasn't comparing Shining and Inquisition in terms of sound, i mean in terms of a shitty overrated band whose nuts are jocked.
[Sep 20,2012 3:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
Ive been a fan of Shining for a while and never thought they'd get as "big" as they are now. I'm not surprised, they got a lot more technical, melodic and proggy (at times) with each album. The old stuff is pure hatred for self. I love it.
[Sep 20,2012 3:31pm - Burnsy ""]
I got your meaning. I just wanted to use that analogy. How exactly are they overrated though? I thought no one knew or listened to them enough to be even rated. Nasty guitar work though, that much really can't be denied.
[Sep 20,2012 3:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
As MikeOv said, too... Hes 29. He started doing the band when hewas what, 14? He is a total douche and toolbag, but he's a multitalented instrumentalist, and has killer, hurtful vocals.
Shining is an example of one of those bands people either love or hate.
[Sep 20,2012 3:54pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

arilliusbm said:As MikeOv said, too... Hes 29. He started doing the band when hewas what, 14? He is a total douche and toolbag, but he's a multitalented instrumentalist, and has killer, hurtful vocals.
Shining is an example of one of those bands people either love or hate.

Im sort of on the fence about them. I like and dislike certain material by them. dont love em or hate em
[Sep 20,2012 4:08pm - trioxin245 ""]

arilliusbm said:
Shining is an example of one of those bands people either love or hate.

Disagreed. I neither love nor hate them.
[Sep 20,2012 4:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
They are by no means the best band ever. But they have some pretty unique songs and releases. I'd rather hear that than rehashed riffage like Infernal Stronghold.
[Sep 20,2012 4:22pm - amorok666 ""]
[Sep 20,2012 4:44pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Tried to meet and say hello but mr. kvarfy was "too tired" after playing the set. Had a few words with the bassist instead. Here's us discussing the ability of a swede to grow facial hair versus slavic yours truly:
[Sep 20,2012 4:46pm - trioxin245 ""]
wearing his own bands shirt = GAY
[Sep 20,2012 4:50pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yea, no Swedish vikings had beards.
[Sep 20,2012 5:01pm - Arrow NLI  ""]

trioxin245 said:wearing his own bands shirt = GAY

What do YOU do on tour? Go to a laundromat?

[Sep 20,2012 5:17pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Not that i care about fashion faux pas like that, but to clarify, this was for a festival, a single show which you should not be too tired after. Good musician and i continue to follow their material, but he can be a diva of sorts.
[Sep 20,2012 5:20pm - Yeti ""]
this taboo about wearing your own band shirt is as stupid as not wearing the shirt of the band you are going to see at a show.

also Shining is overrated simply because people listen to them.
[Sep 20,2012 5:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
All bands need Goldeneye shirts.
[Sep 20,2012 5:27pm - trioxin245 ""]
The only time wearing your own bands shirt on stage is acceptable is when the only other shirt you have on you is an Iced Earth 'something wicked this way comes' shirt.
[Sep 20,2012 11:46pm - MotleyGrue ""]
fine example of how badass this band is, they peaked at V, and their sound continues to evolve. Guitar work is second to none.

[Sep 21,2012 12:17am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
More of everything you hate about Kvarforth.

[Sep 21,2012 2:20am - Boozegood ""]

[Sep 21,2012 6:01pm - Snowden ""]
I re-visited the "The Eerie Cold" this morning. Bold move starting the record with a spoken rant about how your fans aren't real enough to get your music, followed by a blues guitar solo. And then there's the track that goes from a "Ginger Snaps" sample right into another ripping guitar solo. It's not a bad record, but I can see why I didn't keep up with the ones they put out after that. Is the later stuff better?
[Sep 21,2012 6:04pm - Burnsy ""]
Nothing like calling something gay and then posting album covers featuring vascular men haha. ;-)
[Sep 22,2012 9:33am - the_reverend ""]
Isn't that the paradox of metal?
[Sep 22,2012 10:25am - Alx_Casket ""]
Rev gets it
[Sep 22,2012 11:43am - Burnsy ""]
LOL touché
[Sep 22,2012 4:15pm - Alx_Casket ""]

[Sep 22,2012 5:55pm - MikeOv  ""]
Submit to self-destruction or pussy.

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