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attn zircon

[Oct 2,2012 4:53pm - ZirTron  ""]
Zircon prepare for your demise, ZirTron is here to slay you, I have traversed the galaxy defying the logic of the alphabet. Long gone are the days of your purse queefing, prepare to be annihilated OSDM style!!!!
[Oct 2,2012 4:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
Cher, you need to retake the Trolling 101 class in Dwyer's basement.
[Oct 2,2012 4:55pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

arilliusbm said:Cher, you need to retake the Trolling 101 class in Dwyer's basement.

This wasn't me. Not my style anyways.
[Oct 2,2012 4:59pm - Burnsy ""]
I dunno. I loled at defying the logic of the alphabet.
[Oct 2,2012 5:01pm - Lamp ""]
Whoever's been doing all these Zircon/Vital Remains/Scott Wily threads lately needs to have their head stomped into pavement until it looks like a strawberry pancake.
[Oct 2,2012 5:03pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

Lamp said:Whoever's been doing all these Zircon/Vital Remains/Scott Wily threads lately needs to have their head stomped into pavement until it looks like a strawberry pancake.

You mean Scott Wily?
[Oct 2,2012 5:19pm - Lamp ""]
More or less.
[Oct 2,2012 8:01pm - yummy ""]
Yogurt, I hate yogurt. Even with strawberries.
Fuck this place. Go Spaceballs
[Oct 3,2012 8:48am - eye-gore ""]

yummy said:Yogurt, I hate yogurt. Even with strawberries.
Fuck this place. Go Spaceballs

*Thread Hijacked*

This is now a Spcaeballs movie quotes thread
"Only one man DARES give me the rasberry."

[Oct 3,2012 9:21am - that dude from spaceballs  ""]
[Oct 3,2012 9:33am - eye-gore ""]

Dark Helmet: [after tearing the microphone out of the desk] Now what is it?
Radar Technician: I'm having trouble with the radar, sir.
Dark Helmet: What's wrong with it?
Radar Technician: I've lost the bleeps, I've lost the sweeps, and I've lost the creeps.
Dark Helmet: The what?
Colonel Sandurz: The what?
Dark Helmet: And the what?
Radar Technician: You know. The bleeps.
[makes bleep sound effect, making a ripple motion with his fingers]
Radar Technician: The sweeps.
[makes sweep sound. Quivers his face while doing it]
Radar Technician: And the creeps.
[makes creep sound, making little movements with his fingers]
Dark Helmet: [to Colonel Sandurz] That's not all he's lost.
[Oct 3,2012 9:58am - largefreakatzero ""]
"Sir, Mega-Maid's gone from Suck to Blow!"
[Oct 3,2012 10:09am - eye-gore ""]
"You better come up w/ that one million spacebucks, or else pizza..is gonna send out...for you!"
[Oct 3,2012 10:58am - yummy ""]
From now on you will refer to me as idiot, not you Captain.
[Oct 3,2012 11:15am - Burnsy ""]
Cool story bro alert: In first grade I saw this movie. Next day in school I said, "suck! Suck! Suck!" and got yelled at and my grandma had to come talk to my teacher. Fuckin faggot nuns. Lighten up.
[Oct 3,2012 12:01pm - eye-gore ""]

Burnsy said:Cool story bro alert: In first grade I saw this movie. Next day in school I said, "suck! Suck! Suck!" and got yelled at and my grandma had to come talk to my teacher. Fuckin faggot nuns. Lighten up.
[Oct 3,2012 12:02pm - eye-gore ""]
" What's the matter Colonal Sanders.......chicken?!"
[Oct 3,2012 12:58pm - Ghoulash ""]
mmmmmm i think this thread would be better if it had more "tron" related things going on.

[Oct 3,2012 1:16pm - tronaphobia  ""]
[Aug 6,2013 1:53am - Scott Conner  ""]

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