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[Oct 13,2012 10:48am - trioxin245 ""]
First off let me just define what I mean by underrated to avoid long-winded arugments about nothing. Underrated/overlooked = bands that stand out to you as being particularly good that you dont hear much mention of, and not just becaue theyre super kvlt. Off the top of my bored head: Fermento, Cadaver, Black Mass of Absu, In Slaughter Natives, Dr Shrinker, Mystifier, Abigail, Cement, Dead, Killing Joke. All i got for now.
[Oct 13,2012 10:53am - trioxin245 ""]
also Dead World.
[Oct 13,2012 10:56am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Shape of Despair

Fuck it, to save myself a bunch of time I'll just say the entire Finnish Doom scene.
[Oct 13,2012 11:01am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
[Oct 13,2012 11:05am - Burnsy ""]
Age of Silence, Oranssi Pazuzu, Infestus, Dødheimsgard. Also Nightbringer. I'm always surprised when I find myself having to introduce Nightbringer to friends that are into black metal. Figured they'd be a household name in black metal by this point.
[Oct 13,2012 11:16am - trioxin245 ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:Lycia
I actually hear people about Lycia all the time. Also, bursys first two violated the rules. Bands that noone knows because of being kvlt dont fit the description of being underrated. Oh and shoes COME OVER BRAH
[Oct 13,2012 11:21am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Really? I'd like to meet those people, because I never hear anyone discuss Lycia. They must be cool. Ok, so how about Bleak, then? Michael VanPortfleets shortlived side project. Does that work for you?

And Ross, shoot me a text since you hate phone calls.
[Oct 13,2012 11:26am - Burnsy ""]
How is age of silence not known cuz of being kvlt haha? Members of borknagar and arcturus, hellhammer on drums? To me that is overlooked.

Oranssi Pazuzu, yeah, I'll give ya that one. Surprised you didn't call me out on that for Infestus.
[Oct 13,2012 11:27am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

[Oct 13,2012 11:30am - Ancient_Master ""]
The Austrasian Goat
Thee Plague of Gentlemen
Samsara Blues Experiment
Expo '70
[Oct 13,2012 11:33am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]


[Oct 13,2012 11:33am - trioxin245 ""]
ben wins the 'worst follower of instructions' award hah
[Oct 13,2012 11:34am - trioxin245 ""]
Im just trying to avoid the thread turning into one of those 'list bands you know that most people dont because youre more kvlt than them' things.
[Oct 13,2012 11:35am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I kind of overlooked Nightbringer initially because they were the promoted band on FMP's shop page for what seemed like the entirety of 2006 and fool me once, shame on Velvet Cacoon, fool me twice, won't get fooled again.
[Oct 13,2012 11:38am - Mark_R ""]
I think in the case of Thee Plague of Gentlemen, they'd prefer it to stay that way.
[Oct 13,2012 11:39am - trioxin245 ""]
Idk if Im breaking my own rules here but Fields of the Nephilim are one of my favorite bands ever and I dont hear them mentioned very often.
[Oct 13,2012 11:40am - trioxin245 ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:I kind of overlooked Nightbringer initially because they were the promoted band on FMP's shop page for what seemed like the entirety of 2006 and fool me once, shame on Velvet Cacoon, fool me twice, won't get fooled again.
haha I did the exaact same thing. To tell you the truth though Id say theyre more overreated than under.
[Oct 13,2012 11:40am - trioxin245 ""]
also, 13th Floor Elevators
[Oct 13,2012 11:41am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Also, it's hilarious that I could post Enslaved in this and the overrated thread for equally valid reasons.
[Oct 13,2012 11:42am - Burnsy ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said: Fool me once, shame on Velvet Cacoon, fool me twice, won't get fooled again.

[Oct 13,2012 11:44am - trioxin245 ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Also, it's hilarious that I could post Enslaved in this and the overrated thread for equally valid reasons.
to me personally, I think Enslaved gets the right amount of attention. I think theyre right where they should be.
[Oct 13,2012 11:44am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

trioxin245 said:
BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Also, it's hilarious that I could post Enslaved in this and the overrated thread for equally valid reasons.
to me personally, I think Enslaved gets the right amount of attention. I think theyre right where they should be.

Starting a Rated/Looked thread for Enslaved videos
[Oct 13,2012 11:45am - Mark_R ""]

trioxin245 said:Underrated/overlooked = bands that stand out to you as being particularly good that you dont hear much mention of, and not just becaue theyre super kvlt.

Place of Skulls, Victor Griffin's other band.
[Oct 13,2012 11:47am - trioxin245 ""]
I remember seeing the name Place of Skulls in the southern lord catalog years back and I think I heard a sample track, but Ill have to check em out for real.
[Oct 13,2012 11:49am - trioxin245 ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:
trioxin245 said:
BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Also, it's hilarious that I could post Enslaved in this and the overrated thread for equally valid reasons.
to me personally, I think Enslaved gets the right amount of attention. I think theyre right where they should be.

Starting a Rated/Looked thread for Enslaved videos

I just think that if any bm band deserves the attention its enslaved. To me, their lengthy and varied catalog of albums and releases that spans all across the board from raw BM to ambient-floyd-esque prog is one of the more worthwhile things to ever come out of the black metal scene as a whole. But thats not to say they arent without their faults.
[Oct 13,2012 11:54am - Ancient_Master ""]
hm but they are bands that more people should know, thus underrated isnt it?

[Oct 13,2012 11:55am - Ancient_Master ""]
heres a good place to start


[Oct 13,2012 11:55am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

trioxin245 said:
BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:
trioxin245 said:
BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Also, it's hilarious that I could post Enslaved in this and the overrated thread for equally valid reasons.
to me personally, I think Enslaved gets the right amount of attention. I think theyre right where they should be.

Starting a Rated/Looked thread for Enslaved videos

I just think that if any bm band deserves the attention its enslaved. To me, their lengthy and varied catalog of albums and releases that spans all across the board from raw BM to ambient-floyd-esque prog is one of the more worthwhile things to ever come out of the black metal scene as a whole. But thats not to say they arent without their faults.

Right, they're one of my favorite bands and it colors how I view their faults where sometimes I give them a pass because of the high esteem I hold for their albums and other times I'm far too critical because of how great I know they can be.
[Oct 13,2012 12:03pm - Spence ""]
This thread needs 100% more Riverside.

By all rights, they should be as huge as Radiohead or Coldplay, but they're not. In fact, as far as I know, they've only done two US shows(Progpower one year, Nearfest another)

Probably my favorite band of the 00's.
[Oct 13,2012 12:04pm - trioxin245 ""]

Ancient_Master said:hm but they are bands that more people should know, thus underrated isnt it?

The point is I could name a ton of random bands noone has heard of but this thread was meant more for discussing bands like say Killing Joke, who I hold in particularly high esteem but the average person may not have heard much of.
[Oct 13,2012 12:17pm - andrewbastard nli  ""]
Killing joke a pretty respected just maybe not so much in the 'metal only!!' scene
[Oct 13,2012 12:19pm - trioxin245 ""]
Yea I meant it in regards to the metal scene. Like Cement was pretty big for their time but I never hear metalheads mention them, and I bet a lot of people would dig it.
[Oct 13,2012 12:25pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Every album i mentioned in my thread
[Oct 13,2012 12:27pm - Burnsy ""]
[Oct 13,2012 12:40pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Haha sorry i didnt even see this thread Ross LOL
[Oct 13,2012 2:13pm - Vsb  ""]
[Oct 13,2012 2:23pm - Will Spanner  ""]
Sourvein are criminally underappreciated. Those who know, KNOW (probably because they've seem them live and couldn't hear right for days afterwards)
[Oct 13,2012 3:59pm - nekronaut ""]

Will%20Spanner said:Sourvein are criminally underappreciated. Those who know, KNOW (probably because they've seem them live and couldn't hear right for days afterwards)

[Oct 13,2012 4:00pm - nekronaut ""]
[Oct 13,2012 4:37pm - KEVORD ""]
First band I'm thinking of is Grim Reaper. Such awesome Metal Anthems that people rarely mention.
[Oct 13,2012 4:38pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Cirith Gorgor
[Oct 13,2012 4:49pm - punk potenza  ""]

trioxin245 said:First off let me just define what I mean by underrated to avoid long-winded arugments about nothing. Underrated/overlooked = bands that stand out to you as being particularly good that you dont hear much mention of, and not just becaue theyre super kvlt. Off the top of my bored head: Fermento, Cadaver, Black Mass of Absu, In Slaughter Natives, Dr Shrinker, Mystifier, Abigail, Cement, Dead, Killing Joke. All i got for now.

black mass of absu was wayyy underrated. funny story i ended up living with one of the gutiar players while i was living in pawtucket. his gf moved into the spare room and he ended up comming out after he did a tour with one of his other bands. they still jam out from time to time!
[Oct 13,2012 5:20pm - trioxin245 ""]

KEVORD said:First band I'm thinking of is Grim Reaper. Such awesome Metal Anthems that people rarely mention.
made me think of Gravedigger. Not the best band ever but I love 'excalibur' and the one after it.
[Oct 13,2012 5:47pm - Boozegood ""]
Shit about a million underated bands out there but here is a mega-underated one:

Morrigan/Mayhemic Truth


[Oct 13,2012 5:49pm - for_ross  ""]
[Oct 13,2012 6:05pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Oct 13,2012 7:05pm - shitty  ""]
Long after the days and the seasons, and people and countries.
The banner of raw meat against the silk of seas and arctic flowers;
(they do not exist). Recovered from the old fanfares of heroism,--
which still attack the heart and head,-- far from the old assassins.
-- Oh! the banner of raw meat against the silk of seas and arctic flowers;
(they do not exist).-- Bliss! Live embers raining in gusts of frost.--
Bliss!-- fires in the rain of the wind of diamonds
flung out by the earth's heart eternally carbonized for us.
[Oct 13,2012 7:27pm - trioxin245 ""]
oof. drugs are a hell of a drug
[Oct 13,2012 7:36pm - shitty  ""]
[Oct 13,2012 7:45pm - shitty  ""]

trioxin245 said:oof. drugs are a hell of a drug

you fucking love it
[Oct 13,2012 7:47pm - shitty  ""]
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/j2r2nDhTzO4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[Oct 13,2012 7:48pm - highshitty  ""]
[Oct 13,2012 7:49pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

andrewbastard%20nli said:Killing joke a pretty respected just maybe not so much in the 'metal only!!' scene

agreed, same goes for 13th floor elevators, ROSS.
[Oct 13,2012 9:00pm - chrisREX ""]
Withered is a horribly under appreciated band. I love that band.

Also, Mayhem's Ordo Ad Chao will never get the credit it deserves.
[Oct 14,2012 12:17am - trioxin245 ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:
andrewbastard%20nli said:Killing joke a pretty respected just maybe not so much in the 'metal only!!' scene

agreed, same goes for 13th floor elevators, ROSS.

I dont get it, that's what I said. 13th floor elevators are overlooked/underrated. ...?
[Oct 14,2012 12:18am - trioxin245 ""]
wait, did I accidentally post 13th floor elevators in overated thread? Cuz it was supposed to be in this thread. Lol IM CHER
[Oct 14,2012 3:25am - Ancient_Master ""]

trioxin245 said:also, 13th Floor Elevators
[Oct 14,2012 12:13pm - shitty  ""]

trioxin245 said:wait, did I accidentally post 13th floor elevators in overated thread? Cuz it was supposed to be in this thread. Lol IM CHER

Don't stop. that's pretty. i like it when you sing
[Oct 14,2012 4:29pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Cobalt kind of
[Oct 14,2012 4:46pm - Burnsy ""]
[Oct 14,2012 8:46pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Oct 14,2012 9:13pm - Burnsy ""]
Google guys fucking hens? You're fuckin weird dude.
[Oct 14,2012 10:29pm - Happy Hipster  ""]
What the fuck? Only in metal circles because Killing Joke are well known to industrial/goth/post punk kids. Hell anyone who listened to Nirvana knows who KJ is, I was just out for beers with this jock kid and he was talking about Killing Joke.

13th Floor Elevators are like the most influential garage psych band ever so that's also retarded. Skullflower, wtf, noise kids love that shit! Even Samsara Blues Experiment is well known by anyone into stoner rock at all. Cobalt was the darling of the press before they dropped off the map. Hell they were on Fox News even.

Anyone into doom at all knows that Wino played on Place Of Skulls album In Vision and that everything else sucks especially the last one. Is this thread a joke or a parody or something??? Or are metalheads really this sheltered and ignorant? Because this is really sad and pathetic if it is indicative of musical knowledge.

[Oct 15,2012 12:26am - gorbitrov  ""]

Happy%20Hipster said:What the fuck? Only in metal circles because Killing Joke are well known to industrial/goth/post punk kids.

Anyone into doom at all knows that Wino played on Place Of Skulls album In Vision and that everything else sucks especially the last one. Is this thread a joke or a parody or something??? Or are metalheads really this sheltered and ignorant? Because this is really sad and pathetic if it is indicative of musical knowledge.

ugg go back to masturbating in the mirror...underground...in your moms basement... better underground right?
[Oct 15,2012 12:48am - Spence ""]
A friend of mine was just telling me about how he ordered tickets to see Megadeth in November and it got me thinking.

While Megadeth is definitely one of the most well known and successful metal bands ever, I feel like only their first three-five albums ever receive praise.

So, Youthanasia is criminally underrated. It's probably my favorite Megadeth album behind RIP and people act like it's as bad as CW or Risk when it's way better.

That's just my opinion though.

Speaking of oldschool thrash, bands like Toxik, Blind Illusion and Paradox are horribly overlooked gems.
[Oct 15,2012 1:11am - Boozegood ""]
Fuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccckkkkkkkkk offffffffff Megadeth, put that at the top of the list in the 'overrated' thread.
[Oct 15,2012 1:12am - shitty  ""]

trioxin245 said:GGFH

you are underrated ( : baby
[Oct 15,2012 1:17am - Spence ""]

Boozegood said:Fuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccckkkkkkkkk offffffffff Megadeth, put that at the top of the list in the 'overrated' thread.

I'm just saying, just Youthanasia is underrated. Every other Megadeth album is overrated IMO.
[Oct 15,2012 7:06am - KEVORD ""]
Youthanasia underrated? A Tout Le Monde is one of their biggest mainstream hits. I know people who own Youthanasia just for that song.
[Oct 15,2012 8:24am - arilliusbm ""]
Glad I haven't posted in this thread.
[Oct 15,2012 8:39am - Alx_Casket ""]

Burnsy said:Klabautamann!
[Oct 15,2012 10:32am - trioxin245 ""]

arilliusbm said:Glad I hate everything so nothing is underrated to me.
[Oct 15,2012 11:08am - Spence ""]
A Tout Le Monde is the worst song on Youthanasia.
[Oct 15,2012 11:09am - KEVORD ""]
Yeah, I hate A Tout Le Monde.
[Oct 15,2012 11:53am - trioxin245 ""]
That's how it always is. The singles are almost always the worst song on the album, ie symphony of darkness, faith no mores 'epic,' I dont wanna be me, etc.
[Oct 15,2012 1:24pm - Spence ""]
Not necessarily the WORST song on the album, just the most accessible.

Sometimes accessible can be bad, sometimes it can be good. All depends on the band. Accessible Megadeth though? Very bad.
[Oct 15,2012 1:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
Underrated Overlooked is this local band called Cryptic Warning. Just wait till they get noticed.
[Oct 15,2012 1:30pm - trioxin245 ""]

trioxin245 said:That's how it always is. The singles are almost always the worst song on the album, ie symphony of darkness, faith no mores 'epic,' I dont wanna be me, etc.
lol symphony of darkness. Meant symphony of DESTRUCTION obviously.
[Oct 15,2012 1:37pm - ark  ""]

Boozegood said:Shit about a million underated bands out there but here is a mega-underated one:

Morrigan/Mayhemic Truth



fuck yeah!!!

[Oct 15,2012 1:38pm - ark  ""]


[Oct 15,2012 2:16pm - arilliusbm ""]
Was so bummed when Morrigan cancelled the Heathen Crusade in 2008. Wanted to see them.
[Oct 15,2012 4:33pm - chrisREX ""]
Mayhemic Truth is great, but I've actually never listened to Morrigan.
[Oct 15,2012 4:34pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
My Dying Bride
[Oct 20,2012 8:04pm - trioxin245 ""]
bump for Grief and Head of David
[Oct 20,2012 8:21pm - Nostromo ""]
Sarcomancy. Omen. Oz. Heavy Load.
[Oct 20,2012 9:44pm - Burnsy ""]
Sarcomancy? They're very well appreciated, especially for a local band.
[Oct 21,2012 9:58am - ShadowSD ""]

Spence said:Youthanasia is criminally underrated. It's probably my favorite Megadeth album behind RIP and people act like it's as bad as CW or Risk when it's way better.

That's just my opinion though.

I agree with you 100%, Youthanasia is criminally underrated, and the most consistent album Dave ever wrote in terms of every song being really good. Not a single song out of the twelve is filler, something one actually can't say for the most typically cited classics of Peace Sells and Rust in Peace (there's no Dawn Patrol or These Boots on Youthanasia). Of course, it's considered heresy to even say this. I think the reason why Youthanasia didn't get accepted by some is the fact that the songs are more or less mid-tempo, and people were hoping for some faster songs, but I don't think that's a reason to judge the material as any less than it was. Definitely anyone who thinks Risk, the worst Megadeth album x100 is better than Youthanasia has their eardrums up their asshole. It's like saying one of the post Black albums was better than Black. There's a difference between trying to write great mid-tempo songs that have great melody and harmony at every turn, and incorporating a lot of weird-fitting non-metal influences that disrupt every thing the band ever tried to do in terms of musicianship, mood, style, composition, and authenticity for the benefit of absolutely fucking nothing - hoping to sell more albums and instead selling less because of the embarrassing drop of quality in every aspect.
[Oct 21,2012 10:15am - ShadowSD ""]

shitty said:GUNSNROSES

This was probably meant to be sarcastic, but it actually makes way more sense than the person who posted Tool as overlooked. WTF? Tool is cited all the time by musicians as a band they like aside from always having been played to death on the radio. If there's one band I've heard people go on and on about a lot in my life, it's Tool.

When it comes to GnR, though, Slash is actually incredibly underrated as a solo performer, his sets are fucking amazing and the one guitar player people should see if they can only see one live.

And Axl's strange new three guitar GnR touring act is quite underrated, too, one of the best shows you'll see believe it or not.

(This isn't something I would have brought up in this thread if it hadn't been raised, since obv GNR has been played tons on the radio too but I think it's underrated/overlooked how good the live shows of both are right now.)
[Oct 21,2012 12:06pm - shitty  ""]

ShadowSD said:
shitty said:GUNSNROSES

This was probably meant to be sarcastic, but it actually makes way more sense than the person who posted Tool as overlooked. WTF? Tool is cited all the time by musicians as a band they like aside from always having been played to death on the radio. If there's one band I've heard people go on and on about a lot in my life, it's Tool.

said it obnoxiously but yall know when yr alone in car that feels good. since evryone here is being so honest and confessional:
Marnie Stern's guitar. take away her voice take away her band and you have some underrated sound. potential
[Oct 21,2012 12:18pm - shitty  ""]
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/55ozXisJvc0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[Oct 21,2012 12:19pm - shitty  ""]

shitty said:<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/55ozXisJvc0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

[Oct 21,2012 1:42pm - mike29 ""]
I guess overlooked/underrated is a relative term depending on your perspective, but I'll go with Ludicra, The Atlas Moth, and Drawn And Quartered. Locally, if you've overlooked Dark Passenger thus far, go buy the EP.
[Oct 21,2012 1:45pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

ark said:
Boozegood said:Shit about a million underated bands out there but here is a mega-underated one:

Morrigan/Mayhemic Truth



fuck yeah!!!


LOL @ matching stickers of their own band placed in the same position on each of their icemans (icemen?)
[Oct 21,2012 6:48pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
The one in back appears to be an Ibanez Destroyer.
Why no lol @ matching corpsepaint? Probably matching riffs too.
[Oct 21,2012 10:56pm - chernobgoblin  ""]
Dissection-"a blaze in the northern sky"
[Oct 21,2012 11:15pm - Boozegood ""]

chernobgoblin said:Dissection-"a blaze in the northern sky"

Am I missing something here?
[Oct 22,2012 8:05am - trioxin245 ""]
Only if youve never heard the track 'transylvanian feathers fell' off of dissections 'a blaze...' its truly a bwack mwetal mwasterpiece
[Oct 22,2012 8:21am - Burnsy ""]
LOL. Can't forget about Crimson Hunger.
[Oct 22,2012 11:03am - dreadkill ""]
Definitely not gojira
[Oct 23,2012 9:49am - chrisREX ""]
I stopped listening to Dissection after The Somberfaust.
[Oct 23,2012 11:40am - chernobgoblin  ""]
Kaosrain was chill
[Oct 23,2012 11:59am - chernoobie  ""]
has anyone here heard the black? totally overrated i wish jon was still alive so i could tickle his grundle with my nose hair
[Oct 23,2012 12:03pm - Cherpoopbreath  ""]
I eat my own shit
[Oct 23,2012 4:59pm - ancient master nli  ""]
not too many people talk about the atomic bitchwax, or maybe not to me

[Oct 23,2012 5:03pm - blue ""]
this i think will always be my #1 most overlooked/underrated album.

[Oct 23,2012 5:11pm - ancient master nli  ""]
oh and for my aforementioned post..
this song rules

[Oct 23,2012 5:15pm - trioxin245 ""]
Amorphis - Tales from the thousand lakes
[Oct 23,2012 5:18pm - trioxin245 ""]
also, Dusk from NJ, and Sadness from sweden. Maybe Celestial Season.
[Oct 23,2012 5:23pm - Yeti ""]
a moment of silence for the golden days of Amorphis.
[Oct 23,2012 10:29pm - geminiII ""]
Herugrim (usa)
[Oct 24,2012 8:28am - AndrewBastard ""]

trioxin245 said:Amorphis - Tales from the thousand lakes

Anyone overlooking this is a retard.

rocking this shirt right now. one of my fav albumz evar
[Oct 24,2012 10:19am - trioxin245 ""]
yea I mean I guess its not really overlooked overall, but I havent heard anyone mention it in yearrrrs and I listen to it weekly. Same thing with EoS Crimson.
[Oct 25,2012 12:12pm - trioxin245 ""]
bump for Live Skull. If anyone is at all into 80s no-wave, check out the self-titled ep or Bringing hOme the Bait. Weird and miserable indy rock at its finest.

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