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Perfect description of RTTP trolls

[Oct 16,2012 6:35am - All RTTP Trolls  ""]
[Oct 16,2012 7:10am - arilliusbm ""]
Must be so tough at 6:35AM logging out to post this.
Pfftt, morning trolls.
[Oct 16,2012 7:26am - trioxin245 ""]
ITT: posting how gay facebook is as your facebook status
[Oct 16,2012 7:51am - ark  ""]
this is so lame
[Oct 16,2012 7:52am - Burnsy ""]

trioxin245 said:ITT: a new awesome meme none of us has ever seen
[Oct 16,2012 8:47am - Alx_Casket ""]
@op: Good morning to you too, DAD.
[Oct 16,2012 11:22am - DYA is FOR RYNN‘S WORLD AND FOR THE EMPEROR  ""]
If you guys like that, you're really gonna love this dancing baby.

[Oct 16,2012 11:46am - the_reverend ""]
Who doesn't love a good dancing baby?
[Oct 16,2012 11:48am - Mark_R ""]
I got sniped so hard on the Duke Nukem 3D stadium level melee death match at the local cyber cafe because I was distracted by that baby. :(
[Oct 16,2012 11:50am - arilliusbm ""]
[Oct 16,2012 11:55am - ark  ""]
thread: SAVED
[Oct 16,2012 3:27pm - Boozegood ""]
The actual clever, subtle troll is "olympic powerlifting". Pffft as if Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting are the same.

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