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Earth playing at TT's November 11th?

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Oct 26,2012 1:15pm - Spence ""]
How did I only JUST find out about this now? Back when Sunn O))) was announced, everyone and their mothers were jizzing. haha

Anyone going to see Earth?
[Oct 26,2012 1:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'm going to the Wind and Fire show at Obrien's instead.
[Oct 26,2012 1:22pm - ancient master nli  ""]
i saw earth with OM in stockholm last year, twas neat
[Oct 26,2012 1:33pm - Spence ""]
Okay, fuck Earth, you SAW OM? Oh man, I am so fucking jealous. They are easily one of my favorite newer bands.
[Oct 26,2012 2:08pm - BlackoutRick ""]
[Oct 26,2012 2:11pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Spence said:Okay, fuck Earth, you SAW OM? Oh man, I am so fucking jealous. They are easily one of my favorite newer bands.

Om played at the ICA a few years ago, its still one of my favorite shows I've been to! The music with the gorgeous view of Boston with an even more amazing sunset. I still think that drone type shows should happen at places like that (or the Coolidge)
[Oct 26,2012 2:12pm - the_reverend ""]
didn't OM get booted from the middle east for ever?
[Oct 26,2012 2:15pm - Spence ""]
I didn't even realize Om played shows, let alone silly little Boston shows. Then again, i've also only been into them for a good year or so.

Anywho, anyone going to Earth?
[Oct 26,2012 3:12pm - There are third grade  ""]
Is OP a real person?
[Oct 26,2012 3:17pm - chrisREX ""]

Spence said:I didn't even realize Om played shows, let alone silly little Boston shows. Then again, i've also only been into them for a good year or so.

Anywho, anyone going to Earth?

Om are playing the Brighton Music hall November 20th.

[Oct 26,2012 3:18pm - Boozegood ""]

[Oct 26,2012 3:21pm - MikeOv  ""]

boblovesmusic said:
Spence said:Okay, fuck Earth, you SAW OM? Oh man, I am so fucking jealous. They are easily one of my favorite newer bands.

Om played at the ICA a few years ago, its still one of my favorite shows I've been to! The music with the gorgeous view of Boston with an even more amazing sunset. I still think that drone type shows should happen at places like that (or the Coolidge)

The OM show at the ICA was awesome but nothing will ever top their performance at the middle east upstairs when Chris Hakius was still in the band. They wouldn't stop playing and the venue had to kill the power on them. No one wanted them to stop playing either; they were absolutely killing it. Al was a trip to talk to and Chris was the nicest guy ever.
[Oct 26,2012 3:25pm - Spence ""]
>>Om are playing the Brighton Music hall November 20th.>>

Oh fuck my life.

THIS is why I wish people updated the events list more often.
[Oct 26,2012 3:32pm - Mark_R ""]

MikeOv said:The OM show at the ICA was awesome but nothing will ever top their performance at the middle east upstairs when Chris Hakius was still in the band. They wouldn't stop playing and the venue had to kill the power on them. No one wanted them to stop playing either; they were absolutely killing it. Al was a trip to talk to and Chris was the nicest guy ever.

Ack, was this in late 2007ish? I tried to get in at the door and I couldn't. I was thinking there'd be like 20 or so people there, I had no idea it would be extremely sold out.
[Oct 26,2012 3:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
That is your job now. Bring the others. Board needs some fresh new faces as all the old members are having kids, getting hitched, or doing drugz, or all three, or none of the above.
[Oct 26,2012 5:09pm - Uh ""]

boblovesmusic said:
Spence said:Okay, fuck Earth, you SAW OM? Oh man, I am so fucking jealous. They are easily one of my favorite newer bands.

Om played at the ICA a few years ago, its still one of my favorite shows I've been to! The music with the gorgeous view of Boston with an even more amazing sunset. I still think that drone type shows should happen at places like that (or the Coolidge)

Was a good show. It was cool being at a small show with stadium seating. I was still wishing I was watching Sleep during the set instead though.

No one was at the Earth show when my friend booked them at TT's a few years ago.
[Oct 26,2012 7:53pm - joeyvsdavidlopan ""]
That's the last night we'll be at Amps Vs Ohms, and I'm heading over to TT's when we're done (at least I will be, I don't know if any of the other guys are gonna be into going). I wasn't into Angels Of Darkness...II as much as I was the first part, but seeing Earth will still be rad.
[Oct 27,2012 2:45am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Curious to get two headcounts for this show:

1) Total number of in the room.


2) How many of those people are dressed as lumberjacks.

[Oct 27,2012 7:52am - joeyvsdavidlopan ""]

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:Curious to get two headcounts for this show:

1) Total number of in the room.


2) How many of those people are dressed as lumberjacks.

My money says the lumberjack population will be about half of those in attendance. Will update.
[Nov 12,2012 4:34pm - There are third grade  ""]
Did anyone go to this?
I would say more than half were dressed as lumberjacks, including me.
[Nov 12,2012 4:42pm - Spence ""]
I really wanted to go to this, as well as Torche tonight and Red Fang/Black Tusk tomorrow, but I just don't have the funds to stay in Boston for a few days going to shows. :(

Already regretting not going though.

I think Hilarie went to this though, for Eagle Twin.
[Nov 12,2012 4:49pm - Bloblovesmusic  ""]
Suffocation got out early enough that I saw 3 songs of earth, ruled!
[Nov 12,2012 6:15pm - Muffins ""]

wish i do not miss this ) :
[Nov 12,2012 6:18pm - Muffins ""]
Hope they come back

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