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Shining - "Redefining Darkness" (2012)

[Oct 30,2012 11:10pm - Alx_Casket ""]


Came out yesterday (officially). Thoughts?
[Oct 31,2012 1:09am - MikeOv  ""]
I've yet to hear this record but I've never met a Shining album that I didn't like.
[Oct 31,2012 8:46am - quintessence ""]
Heard it. Its pretty cool. One song has a solo by Andy LaRocque that obviously rips.
[Dec 3,2012 3:39pm - MikeOv  ""]


Here's to bands not putting out comeback records.
[Jan 2,2013 12:18am - arilliusbm ""]
Album sounded awesome after one listen. Going to digest it more..


I love this chord progression...

even though it has an uncanny resemblance to a song on the 28 Days Later soundtrack

[Jan 2,2013 8:21am - trioxin245 ""]
This sounds pretty decent so far. Shining has always been hit or miss for me. Also I've always been super cheesed out by his on-stage presence and all the cutting and shit. Doesn't come off as bad ass to me at all, just juvenile. Not trying to hate, I actually think pretty highly of Kvarforth as a songwriter even when it comes to the material that I'm NOT particularly into. Gonna listen to the whole album now.
[Jan 2,2013 8:31am - a jealous boy with huge bass  ""]
shut up fagget
[Mar 21,2013 11:46am - MotleyGrue ""]
Finally got this, solid fucking album, better than the last two, as good as Shining V.
[Mar 21,2013 12:40pm - chrisREX ""]
I haven't really listened to this band since Eerie Cold. I need to catch up.
[Mar 21,2013 2:19pm - titszor  ""]
Alx_Casket said:3644d51f87

Came out yesterday (officially). Thoughts?

[Mar 21,2013 3:04pm - floatingeyecorpse  ""]
That band is so faggy
I do like the dark room sessions though

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