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If liberals aren't commies, why do they behave like them?

[Nov 3,2012 1:43pm - Gastronaut  ""]
Perrysburg police arrested four Toledo area men early Friday morning on charges of stealing Mitt Romney campaign signs in Wood and Lucas counties in Northwest Ohio.

The signs were found in a pickup truck owned by Sheet Metal Workers International, Union Local 33 in Parma, according to the police report.

Many of the signs -- some measuring as large as 4 feet by 8 feet -- were believed to have been put up by members of Northwest Ohio Conservative Coalition, said John McAvoy, the group's president.

[Nov 3,2012 2:11pm - cherhonifag thread detector  ""]
[Nov 4,2012 2:29am - truequintessence_nli  ""]

Seriously who cares, who fucking honestly gets so worked up over their "man" that they need to plaster their manicured lawns with signs proclaiming thier name in big blue letters. Both sides are fucking stupid and if you think conservatives are doing the same thing you're wrong. Anyone who has a sign up in their fucking yard of any political candidate and thinks its going to change someones mind is a fucking idiot. So its basicly them proclaiming LOOK AT ME! which is equally as fucking cockheaded.

I can't wait for this stupid election to be over, I hope Mittens wins so this country gets even more fucking backwards just so I can laugh at everyone even more.
[Nov 4,2012 2:58am - Boozegood ""]
I think people are missing the part where this is union thuggery. It's not about lawn signs.
[Nov 4,2012 9:42am - .....  ""]

truequintessence_nli said:GOD DAMN LIBRULS !!

Seriously who cares, who fucking honestly gets so worked up over their "man" that they need to plaster their manicured lawns with signs proclaiming thier name in big blue letters. Both sides are fucking stupid and if you think conservatives are doing the same thing you're wrong. Anyone who has a sign up in their fucking yard of any political candidate and thinks its going to change someones mind is a fucking idiot. So its basicly them proclaiming LOOK AT ME! which is equally as fucking cockheaded.

I can't wait for this stupid election to be over, I hope Mittens wins so this country gets even more fucking backwards just so I can laugh at everyone even more.

................need ANYONE say more? Proof that Obama'ites are fucking morons.
[Nov 4,2012 3:18pm - quintessence ""]
I fucking hate obama you fucking assclown. Go suck your mormon leaders tiny cock fucking american.

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