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Original Heavy Drone Rock Band - Drummer Wanted

[Nov 7,2012 6:39pm - 79adam79 ""]
i'm startin up a rock/metal/punk band -drone rock. got a bunch of material written; looking for a drummer to collaborate with. some stuff has odd time signatures, some parts call for more rolls and/or tom based beats instead of a straight ahead beat.. alot of build up to the payoff, but not too drawn out (that can get old real quick). i basically wanna try to do something different and original, and not sound like anyone else.

[Nov 7,2012 6:57pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]

79adam79 said:- drone rock.

- some stuff has odd time signatures

- alot of build up to the payoff, but not too drawn out

- something different and original, and not sound like anyone else.

How is any of the above different and original and not like a bazillon other bands?
[Nov 7,2012 6:58pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
BTW, usually I'd just respond with a gif of a couple faggots getting down. You're welcome.
[Nov 7,2012 8:44pm - josh hates logging in  ""]
This should just be a BBoANP appreciation thread. I lol'd.
[Nov 8,2012 8:23am - trioxin245 ""]
lol @ heavy drone rock
[Nov 8,2012 8:47am - AndrewBastard ""]
i wanna play really light, tinny, thin sounding drone/doom
[Nov 8,2012 9:21am - Mark_R ""]
it can be called "Feathers Ruffler"
[Nov 8,2012 9:36am - AndrewBastard ""]
Feathers Ruffler / Feelings Hurter split 7" coming soon
[Nov 8,2012 9:47am - Burnsy ""]
Fuck original. Do a heavy drone rock cover band. You'll get mad bitches, son.
[Nov 8,2012 10:02am - DSBM  ""]

AndrewBastard said:Feathers Ruffler / Feelings Hurter split 7" coming soon

lol at Feelings Hurter

[Nov 8,2012 10:55am - largefreakatzero ""]

AndrewBastard said:i wanna play really light, tinny, thin sounding drone/doom

Anything over a 40 watt stage presence, gtfo.
[Nov 8,2012 1:22pm - 79adam79 ""]
wow. you guys are a bunch of winners..
[Nov 8,2012 1:24pm - arilliusbm ""]

79adam79 said:wow. you guys are a bunch of winners..

Stick around and you'll find members.
[Nov 9,2012 11:50pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Feathers Ruffler. That is all.
[Nov 10,2012 12:13am - Burnsy ""]

arilliusbm said:
79adam79 said:wow. you guys are a bunch of winners..

Stick around and you'll find members.

[Nov 10,2012 2:14pm - DYA is @ ON THE PORCELAIN THRONE OF TERRA  ""]

BlackoutRick said:Feathers Ruffler. That is all.

this. Thread redeemed.
[Nov 10,2012 2:19pm - KEVORD ""]

79adam79 said:wow. you guys are a bunch of wieners in a hamburger world..
[Nov 10,2012 4:12pm - nekronaut ""]
I'll join your original heavy drone rock band if you join my original blackgrass band.
[Nov 10,2012 6:30pm - ancient master nli  ""]
Pilgrim: Tell me: Do you have hairs in your nose?
Frenssen: Why?
Pilgrim: Because I have some up my ass. We can tie them together.
[Nov 11,2012 1:39pm - 79adam79 ""]
i just looked around this website for the first time; not sure how i got here, but i wanna leave ..quickly
[Nov 11,2012 2:35pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Nov 11,2012 5:46pm - Burnsy ""]
[Nov 11,2012 5:51pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Nov 11,2012 8:09pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
If you could post samples that would be nice
[Nov 12,2012 12:24am - Skwisgaar Skwigelf  ""]

Randy_Marsh said:If you could post sperm on my face thatz be nice

See, I told you he iz faggots...
[Nov 12,2012 3:15am - Randy_Marsh ""]
Troll is weak
[Nov 27,2012 6:57pm - drummerofdr((O)))ne  ""]
BBR Adam?
[Dec 15,2012 10:46pm - FINGERSMASHER  ""]

79adam79 said:i just looked around this website for the first time; not sure how i got here, but i wanna leave ..quickly

You should.

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