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President-elect Romney lol

[Nov 9,2012 2:15pm - MrDave  ""]
[Nov 9,2012 2:17pm - MrDave  ""]
[Nov 9,2012 2:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm totally applying for a job.
[Nov 9,2012 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
[Nov 9,2012 4:26pm - KEVORD ""]
Its old news and was a Yahoo news story. OP has to be FIMS.
[Nov 9,2012 7:18pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Nov 9,2012 7:43pm - MrDave  ""]

KEVORD said:Its old news and was a Yahoo news story. OP has to be FIMS.

If it ain't not on rttp it ain't news
[Nov 9,2012 11:52pm - Early_Cuyler ""]
Who needs a worky job when you gettin government money check?
[Nov 10,2012 12:12am - Burnsy ""]
I just met a stripper. We got something special. I know it's her job but she made me feel like I meant something, unlike you sonsahbitches. Fuck all y'all.
[Nov 10,2012 12:22am - Muffinz  ""]
I just watched Magic Mike. it made me feel special too & tingly
[Nov 10,2012 12:25am - Burnsy ""]
Cum about it, faggot.

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