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U.S. antivirus legend John McAfee wanted for murder in Belize

[Nov 16,2012 12:43pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 16,2012 12:49pm - posbleak ""]

He was also booted off Bluelight for spouting off insane shit while tripping on bath salts
[Nov 16,2012 12:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
old ______.
[Nov 16,2012 12:55pm - MikeOv  ""]
Really? Because one of his particular threads and the information he provided proved valuable for users looking for the original effects of mdpv before it changed after 2006. He actually knew what he was doing...
[Nov 16,2012 1:01pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't know what bluelight is.
[Nov 16,2012 1:05pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Bath salts + 12 gauge = LOL

Also, sweet tribals bro.
[Nov 16,2012 1:47pm - MikeOv  ""]

the_reverend said:I don't know what bluelight is.

One of the longstanding forums on drugs and harm reduction, hosted out of Russia. Great forum.
[Nov 16,2012 2:08pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

posbleak said:[img]

He was also booted off Bluelight for spouting off insane shit while tripping on bath salts

How long ago was this?
[Nov 16,2012 2:11pm - ShadowSD ""]
Who was the victim, Norton?
[Nov 16,2012 2:15pm - eye-gore ""]

ShadowSD said:Who was the victim, Norton?

[Nov 16,2012 2:24pm - ShadowSD ""]
I guess it was bang, zoom, all the way to the moon, eh?


www.jon22.net/two months without norton

"It’s fitting that the most popular antivirus software is named Norton, because it truly lives up to the reputation of its Honeymooners namesake. Ed Norton purports to be your best friend. He bursts through your door, unbidden and just barely tolerated, and sets up shop in your kitchen. His crazy schemes start with the best intentions but end in chaos and disaster. Despite all this, you feel like you have to love him.

There’s no escaping antivirus software and its culture of fear. It comes bundled on every new system, designed to deactivate after a few months and make you pay for your continued safety. Think you can avoid the protection racket when the time comes? If your antivirus software shuts itself off and you don’t feel like paying, Windows rolls up its sleeves and starts breaking your kneecaps with its own security warnings."

Kneecaps? Child's play.

ANTI-VIRUS WARNING - You have not updated your McAfee Anti-Virus Protection, you may be at risk of being gunned down by a shirtless dude on bath salts unless you renew immediately
[Nov 16,2012 3:44pm - posbleak ""]

Randy_Marsh said:
How long ago was this?

July 2010-April 2011 posting as "stuffmonger"

"I’m a huge fan of MDPV. I think it's the finest drug ever conceived, not just for the indescribable hypersexuality, but also for the smooth euphoria and mild comedown"

On butt-stuffing:
"Measure your dose, apply a small amount of saliva to just the tip of your middle finger, press it against the dose, insert. Doesn't really hurt as much as it sounds. We're in an arena (drugs/libido) that I navigate as well as anyone on the planet here. If you take my advice about this (may sound gross to some of you perhaps), you will be well rewarded."

Channeling FIMS:
"the on-line world is more of a distraction than the self induced effects of the many experiments I've done using my own body over the past year or so, and I have work to do."

I wouldn't be shocked if he totally knew what he was talking about (I sure as hell don't know shit about bath salts), the small handful of Bluelight posters I know claim that he was just nuts...something about trying to invent "super perv powder" etc.

Sounds like a fun guy to me
[Nov 16,2012 4:03pm - Samantha ""]
This guy needs to hang out with Charlie Sheen.
[Nov 16,2012 4:05pm - Burnsy ""]

Samantha said:This guy needs to hang out with Charlie Sheen.

Haha Charlie Sheen is probably too much of a pussy for bath salts.
[Nov 16,2012 4:50pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Holy shit, I'd never belize that this would ever happen!
[Nov 16,2012 5:00pm - vomit-inducing-joke detector  ""]
[Nov 16,2012 5:12pm - boblovesmusic ""]
You loved it!
[Nov 16,2012 11:01pm - ShadowSD ""]
"I’m a huge fan of MDPV. I think it's the finest drug ever conceived, not just for the indescribable hypersexuality, but also for the smooth euphoria and mild comedown"

[Nov 19,2012 4:05pm - posbleak ""]
He's currently liveblogging his police evasion: http://www.whoismcafee.com/

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