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[Nov 18,2012 4:22pm - MotleyGrue ""]
I know there are alot of dudes that play videogames on here, heard no one talk of HALO 4, am I the only one that likes it? Does everyone hate that shit?
[Nov 18,2012 4:24pm - lucidcursenli  ""]
Fuck that entire franchise
[Nov 18,2012 4:40pm - MotleyGrue ""]

lucidcursenli said:Fuck that entire franchise

lol, ok.
[Nov 18,2012 8:37pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
The new one almost looks worth looking into more. The first one was soooo bland, though. Weapons and gameplay were very meh in my opinion compared to other stuff out at the time. It was SUPER hyped out, though and everybody was willing to fuck their own dads just for a chance to shoot a cartoon alien with a pewpew laser gun.
[Nov 18,2012 8:38pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I will give them credit though for breathing some life into first person shooters on a more wide-scale level. As far as I know, Halo was also the first FPS to limit you to 2 weapons. If you wanted to pick up a new one, you had to figure out which one you wanted to ditch. No more holding a Gatling gun, 2 different machine guns, a rocket launcher, 3 handguns, and a chainsaw.
[Nov 19,2012 1:10am - Randy_Marsh ""]
Unless the franchise has added legit bosses and not just repeat minibosses btw. Not interested. I am more psyched for the new Alien game
[Nov 19,2012 8:17am - quintessence ""]
Enjoy the video game equilvilent of listening to Pop music from MTV. I bet you really like Call of Duty too.
[Nov 19,2012 5:44pm - MotleyGrue ""]
don't like Call of Duty series, mainly because I suck at them.
[Nov 19,2012 8:38pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I only liked the first one because of multiplayer with vehicles. In those days, the only similar experience was battlefield 1942 which wasn't nearly as fluid as riding in a warthog.

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