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I'm on WUNH playing non-metal

[Nov 21,2012 9:29am - the_reverend ""]
stream: http://stream.wunh.org:8000
flash: http://wunh.org/listen
tunein: http://tunein.com/radio/WUNH-913-s23399/
[Nov 21,2012 9:33am - KEVORD ""]
I'm at work like an American. Get a real job hippy.
[Nov 21,2012 10:06am - the_reverend ""]
I've got 5 weeks vacation like a true soviet american.
[Nov 21,2012 10:09am - KEVORD ""]
Emperor Obama only let's blue collar Americans like me have a week.
[Nov 21,2012 10:11am - chrisRex Eternal  ""]
Play some of the best death metal band ever HATE ETERNAL
[Nov 21,2012 10:11am - the_reverend ""]
post on the internet while shitting you will
[Nov 21,2012 10:13am - KEVORD ""]
Post on the internet while I should be working like all Americans. I Will.

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