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The Official End to the Fuck Off Now a Days thread

[Nov 27,2012 4:27pm - TrollNLI  ""]
Ok, I am getting pretty fucking tired of trolling and constantly reading your Fuck Off Now a Days this, or your Fuck off Now a Days that comments in a post. Get it out of your fucking systems and come up with a new phrase. With the infinite wisdom of RTTP (?) come up with something clever.

INB4 someone sez Fuck Off Now a Days Troll, and TrollNLI means Troll Not Logged In!!!! ha ha.
[Nov 27,2012 4:35pm - nekronaut ""]
Faggot thread. Delete.
[Nov 27,2012 4:40pm - DYA is FUCK BRIDS  ""]
Only Troll 2 is real.

[Nov 27,2012 4:42pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
No rich horror, no new memes
[Nov 27,2012 4:46pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Nov 27,2012 4:46pm - TrollNLI  ""]

nutshaver said:Faggot thread. Delete.

[Nov 27,2012 4:49pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Nov 27,2012 4:50pm - trioxin245 ""]
also, OP is obviously referring to me, as I am the only one who uses that stupid phrase for the most part. I really don't care, you could have just logged in bro.
[Nov 27,2012 4:53pm - TrollNLI  ""]
this is just a bullshit thread for fun, wasnt really mentioning anyone in particular, just see alot of that saying. Was figuring people would keep posting fuck off now a days this or that.
[Nov 27,2012 4:54pm - Alx_Casket ""]

TrollNLI said:this is bullshit
[Nov 27,2012 4:55pm - TrollNLI  ""]

Alx_Casket said:
TrollNLI said:this is bullshit

[Nov 27,2012 4:57pm - old news  ""]
OP is Paul.
[Nov 27,2012 5:03pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

DYA%20is%20FUCK%20BRIDS said:Only Troll 2 is real.


See it's like birds but it's brids.
[Nov 27,2012 5:04pm - TrollNLI  ""]
OP is Randy Marsh
[Nov 27,2012 5:07pm - trioxin245 ""]

TrollNLI said:water is wet. the sky is blue.
[Nov 27,2012 5:17pm - TrollNLI  ""]

trioxin245 said:
TrollNLI said:water is wet. the sky is blue.

lol, nah my favorite color is clear, lol
[Nov 27,2012 5:18pm - trioxin245 ""]

TrollNLI said:
trioxin245 said:
TrollNLI said:water is wet. the sky is blue.

lol, nah my favorite color is clear... wait no, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

[Nov 27,2012 5:24pm - TrollNLI  ""]

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