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Throat Lozenges

[Nov 30,2012 7:43pm - Arrow NLI  ""]
I am so all set with ever having another of these nasty things my girlfriend bought ever again (ricola original). Can't find the ones I used to get in the little white box, and the all time greatest drops ever (Nice citrus drops with the penguin on the box) were discontinued a while ago...

Recommend me something yummy and POWERFUL please, so I can continue my evening of feeling shitty. I find of all forums, people here have the best taste in foodstuffs and beverages.

[Nov 30,2012 7:47pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I like Fisherman's Friend, they're natural-ish, but a little less herb-y and sickly sweet than Ricola.
[Dec 1,2012 4:03pm - Arrow NLI  ""]
It's really sad. Every time I try to get up and go out to buy some lozenges, I end up passing out on the bed, floor, in my chair, etc...

Still eating these nasty fucking Ricolas. Hate them. Hate being sick too. Tired of it - it's been weeks. First the stomach bug for 4 days, then immediately turned into neck pain/migraine that I haven't been able to shake since Thanksgiving, and now I've got this shit cold my fiance gave me. UGH.

[Dec 1,2012 4:15pm - BlackoutRick ""]
In before lyme disease.
[Dec 1,2012 4:45pm - Arrow NLI  ""]

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