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the OFFICIAL fuck off if you don't into 40K thread

[Dec 5,2012 12:47pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Because real men carry around tape measures and paint lots of little metal guys. Eldar and Grey Knights falses will be purged and died. Discuss.
[Dec 5,2012 12:48pm - KEVORD ""]
So glad I can still Fuck On.
[Dec 5,2012 12:52pm - PEACEHAMMER 20k  ""]
[Dec 5,2012 12:52pm - trioxin245 ""]
What happened to your custom paint bro? MY TERMINATORS STILL LOOK LIKE MONO-CHROME DOUCHE BAGS
[Dec 5,2012 12:55pm - PEACEHAMMER 20k  ""]
[Dec 5,2012 12:57pm - KEVORD ""]

trioxin245 said:What happened to your custom paint bro? MY TERMINATORS STILL LOOK LIKE MONO-CHROME DOUCHE BAGS
Mail me whatever mini's you need painted. I'll paint them up for you. I get silly with it.
[Dec 5,2012 12:58pm - trioxin245 ""]
Also, have you played sixth edition? I heard they made it so you can't kill a unit that is out of range no matter how much you wound it with secondary fire or area damage. WTF
[Dec 5,2012 1:02pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Dec 5,2012 1:25pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

trioxin245 said:Also, have you played sixth edition? I heard they made it so you can't kill a unit that is out of range no matter how much you wound it with secondary fire or area damage. WTF

Totally the opposite - you CAN wipe out a whole unit if even one model is in range (and casualties are always removed from the closest models, first, so no sneaky "remove every single guy in the squad before taking out leaders and heavy weapons" stuff.
), where before you'd just kill the shit out of the one guy that was within 24" (after which your bolts apparently disappeared, probably due to xenos witchcraft).

Honestly, I was fully amped up to hate 6th edition, and after playing a few games it's become my favorite besides maybe 2nd and Rogue Trader. A few of the Codexes are super overpowered (I.e., anything written by Mat Ward), but the rules are solid.
[Dec 5,2012 2:08pm - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]
This all sounds very gay.
[Dec 5,2012 2:33pm - DYA is MEH  ""]
Gayer than Manowar in a hot tub of mead with Doug P. Which is to say "very awesome".
[Dec 5,2012 2:34pm - AndrewBastard ""]
[Dec 5,2012 2:34pm - DYA is MEH  ""]
Also, non-wargamimg falsest can leave the hall.
[Dec 5,2012 2:35pm - DYA is MEH  ""]
[Dec 5,2012 2:35pm - largefreakatzero ""]

AndrewBastard said: 卐卐卐

Those are very Hebrew-looking swastikas.
[Dec 5,2012 2:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
Elite Club of Elitists.
[Dec 5,2012 2:42pm - DYA is MEH  ""]

[Dec 5,2012 2:52pm - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]
[Dec 5,2012 3:55pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Can't play, busy fapping

[Dec 5,2012 4:01pm - DYA is MEH  ""]

thetruthaboutmuffdivers said:[img]

Such concerns are irrelevant when in the company of men, quaffing ale and enjoying the sport of Roman conquerors. Save the wenching for after the battle.
[Dec 5,2012 4:32pm - Snowden ""]
Never played this, but Rogue Trader and the original WH Fantasy Roleplay were great. Best RPG art ever, no contest.
[Dec 5,2012 4:45pm - trioxin245 ""]
Steve you wanna run some low 200 point games? come...................to.........................................salem.................................... and bring sixth edition rule book.
[Dec 5,2012 11:40pm - joeyvsdavidlopan ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Because real men carry around tape measures and paint lots of little metal guys. Eldar and Grey Knights falses will be purged and died. Discuss.

Backed, though I haven't played for years. I dug my old Blood Angels army out recently and somehow forgot how badly they were painted (if they were even painted at all, there's a chrome death company and random others).
[Dec 5,2012 11:46pm - Alx_Casket ""]

DYA%20is%20MEH said:Save the wenching for after the battle.

[Dec 5,2012 11:49pm - floatingeyecorpse  ""]
Played Space Wolves for a few years, got sick of models breaking and how every new codex destroys the last one. It's a decent game, but if they updated all the codices simultaneously, it would be a much better game.
[Dec 6,2012 11:03am - DYA is MEH  ""]

Snowden said:Never played this, but Rogue Trader and the original WH Fantasy Roleplay were great. Best RPG art ever, no contest.

Heh - as it happens, we randomly ended up resurrecting my Warhammer FRP campaign last night. The party consists of a thief, a bawd (read "pimp"), a watchman and a dwarven tomb robber. Together they are a criminal syndicate knows as the "Crime Dudes".
[Dec 6,2012 11:09am - KEVORD ""]
Shit, that's what you ended up playing last night? I didn't see your post on FB till late last night. I would have been down for that.
[Dec 6,2012 11:12am - Boozegood ""]

KEVORD said:Mail me whatever mini's you need painted. I'll paint them up for you. I get silly with it.

You cereal with this matey? Would you do chapter colors and such or is letting you flex your creative muscles the payment you seek?
[Dec 6,2012 11:16am - DYA is MEH  ""]

KEVORD said:Shit, that's what you ended up playing last night? I didn't see your post on FB till late last night. I would have been down for that.

Probably happening again, next Wednesday. Although I should warn you, if last night is any indication, you'll have to either a) get in 8-10 bumfights or b) know how to read to get in.
[Dec 6,2012 11:17am - DYA is MEH  ""]

trioxin245 said:Steve you wanna run some low 200 point games? come...................to.........................................salem.................................... and bring sixth edition rule book.

Once I actually get paid (it'll be like a month), you're on.
[Dec 6,2012 11:18am - KEVORD ""]

Boozegood said:
KEVORD said:Mail me whatever mini's you need painted. I'll paint them up for you. I get silly with it.

You cereal with this matey? Would you do chapter colors and such or is letting you flex your creative muscles the payment you seek?

I was just trying to trick Ross into giving me all of his minis. I still have a bunch of my own shit I've been too lazy to get to painting.
[Dec 6,2012 11:21am - DYA is MEH  ""]

floatingeyecorpse said:Played Space Wolves for a few years, got sick of models breaking and how every new codex destroys the last one. It's a decent game, but if they updated all the codices simultaneously, it would be a much better game.

This is definitely a real concern, although realistically (with the amount of actual creative staff they have, nowadays) they get codexes out about as fast as they're able. Luckily we mostly play among friends, not at stores with win-at-all-costs types, so codex creep isnkt so much of an issue.
[Dec 6,2012 11:26am - KEVORD ""]

DYA%20is%20MEH said:
KEVORD said:Shit, that's what you ended up playing last night? I didn't see your post on FB till late last night. I would have been down for that.

Probably happening again, next Wednesday. Although I should warn you, if last night is any indication, you'll have to either a) get in 8-10 bumfights or b) know how to read to get in.

Can do. At least the bumfights part.
[Dec 6,2012 12:45pm - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]
[Dec 6,2012 1:23pm - Avalonwinds ""]
7.5k points of Blood angels here.

Jump packs are PRO.

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