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[Dec 7,2012 9:12am - PEACEHAMMER 20k  ""]
[Dec 7,2012 9:22am - arilliusbm ""]
Agreed with OP.
[Dec 7,2012 9:28am - KEVORD ""]
Earmuffs and scarves are total fag shit.
[Dec 7,2012 9:37am - AndrewBastard ""]
^^ yes
[Dec 7,2012 9:45am - shutup fagget  ""]
totally agree, and those faggets need to shutup as well.
[Dec 7,2012 9:52am - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]
ITT: the truth about earmuffs
[Dec 7,2012 10:14am - Alx_Casket ""]
Talk shit about scarves? Expect violent altercations from goatcatalyst and I.
[Dec 7,2012 10:18am - arilliusbm ""]
If I played in Nightbitch I would wear earmuffs and thongs as well.
[Dec 7,2012 10:23am - the_reverend ""]
earmuffs are gay... scarves are a gay that I can swing with.
[Dec 7,2012 10:35am - Yeti ""]
they made earmuffs for men, thinking that changing the design and making them dark grey somehow negated the faggy aspect.
[Dec 7,2012 10:45am - KEVORD ""]

Alx_Casket said:Talk shit about scarves? Expect violent altercations from goatcatalyst and I.
I don't know how they do things in fancy europe but here in the US of A scarves are for fags.
[Dec 7,2012 10:46am - posbleak ""]
Death to scarf haters
[Dec 7,2012 10:55am - expecting_an_ass_beating  ""]
Somebody please beat the shit out of me for wearing this bullshit, PLEASE!
[Dec 7,2012 11:50am - DYA is LOL  ""]
Scarves are just good common New England sense in the winter. Earmuffs... get a fucking hat.
[Dec 7,2012 11:58am - KEVORD ""]
Words I've never said:my neck is freezing.
[Dec 7,2012 12:10pm - Alx_Casket ""]
It's ok, scarves are only worn by liberals.
[Dec 7,2012 12:13pm - KEVORD ""]

Alx_Casket said:It's ok, scarves are only worn by liberals.
actually that explains a lot.
[Dec 7,2012 12:14pm - Andrew Cunanan  ""]
Guys with beer guts that wear filthy denim jackets covered in silly patches talking fashion? How gay.
[Dec 7,2012 12:21pm - AndrewBastard ""]

KEVORD said:Words I've never said:my neck is freezing.

im falling in love with you
[Dec 7,2012 12:22pm - KEVORD ""]
I'll have you know that my jacket is clean.
[Dec 7,2012 12:25pm - Boozegood ""]
EDIT: Dumb post.

[Dec 7,2012 12:28pm - DYA is LOL  ""]
[Dec 7,2012 12:38pm - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]

KEVORD said:Earmuffs and scarves are total fag shit.

[Dec 7,2012 12:39pm - KEVORD ""]
Mitt is a fag.
[Dec 7,2012 12:49pm - shutup fagget  ""]

Andrew%20Cunanan said:Guys with beer guts that wear filthy denim jackets covered in silly patches talking fashion? How gay.

shutup fagget
[Dec 7,2012 1:48pm - Garth Algar  ""]
Boozegod edits like 90% of his posts down to nothing. What up with that?
[Dec 7,2012 6:11pm - Richard Hertz  ""]
Shooting muffs are acceptable. Otherwise fag.
[Dec 7,2012 6:11pm - Richard Hertz  ""]
Shooting muffs are acceptable. Otherwise fag.
[Dec 7,2012 6:14pm - DADROSS  ""]

arilliusbm said:I am the OP.
[Dec 7,2012 6:42pm - Boozegood ""]

Richard%20Hertz said:Shooting muffs are acceptable. Otherwise fag.

Usually I just come to my senses because of my job and crap and don't want to much stuff about me on the internet.
[Dec 8,2012 11:05am - Richard Hertz  ""]
I didn't even see your post before it was edited. I just saw a thread about earmuffs and thought of the only non-fag time to wear them would be at the range or perhaps running a chainsaw.
[Dec 8,2012 4:03pm - RTTP FASHION POLICE  ""]

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