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Six Feet Under "Ord Order is in Ordord" is the best damn album you fuckers never heard

[Dec 11,2012 4:55pm - Ordbringer  ""]
You don't know what you're missing, both album-wise and live-wise.
[Dec 11,2012 4:57pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
OP is possibly Ross?
[Dec 11,2012 4:58pm - trioxin245 ""]
I actually was the original ordbringer but not this one.
[Dec 11,2012 4:59pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
I don't get why people steal trolls, i'd think it would be more fun to make them up.
[Dec 11,2012 5:05pm - troll with myself  ""]

Randy_Marsh said:I don't get why people steal trolls, i'd think it would be more fun to make them up.

[Dec 11,2012 5:05pm - KEVORD ""]

Randy_Marsh said:I don't get why cher steals trolls, i'd think it would be more fun to make them up.
Broken Camera.
[Dec 11,2012 6:36pm - Scott Wily XXX -Vital Remains  ""]
[Dec 11,2012 6:41pm - THORD  ""]
[Dec 11,2012 6:43pm - XXX -Vital  ""]
:middlefinger: Winner!
[Dec 11,2012 6:51pm - Steve nergal XXX -Vital  ""]
Wily! Shhhhhhhhhhhh
[Dec 11,2012 6:52pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

KEVORD said:
Randy_Marsh said:I don't get why cher steals trolls, i'd think it would be more fun to make them up.
Broken Camera.

ur a broken camera bro
[Dec 11,2012 7:06pm - scottfromzircon ""]
WTF doooooood! the gates are wide open
[Dec 11,2012 8:52pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Hospital bills, unpaid
[Dec 11,2012 8:57pm - Ezie Z  ""]
[Dec 15,2012 9:40pm - rollercoasters  ""]
i agree its great

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