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[Dec 14,2012 12:17pm - HookedOnFeces  ""]
[Dec 14,2012 12:19pm - trioxin245 ""]
shutup fagget
[Dec 14,2012 12:24pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Dec 14,2012 12:32pm - HookedOnFeces  ""]

trioxin245 said:shutup fagget
Takes one to know one!
[Dec 14,2012 2:15pm - shutup fagget  ""]

trioxin245 said:shutup fagget

[Dec 14,2012 3:05pm - BSV  ""]
There you go! Call one of the best supporters and more knowledgeable metalheads around a tool. FUCKING AWESOME. WE GOT A DIFFERENCE MAKER HERE FOLKS. HE'S A ON A MISSION TO MAKE THE SCENE A BETTER PLACE. WHAT A CRUSADER.
Carmine is a fucking animal without a leash who could easily beat down this faggot poser of a troll.
$10 on Carmine to be up this ghosty faggot troll.
[Dec 14,2012 4:20pm - Thunderstool  ""]
HAHAHAHA right, that fucking dweeby fuck really scares me!
[Dec 14,2012 4:25pm - True but...  ""]
...you're hiding behind an anonymous internet alias. Would you ever be able to say this if you were standing face to face with HookedonMetal?
[Dec 14,2012 4:27pm - LOL  ""]
[Jan 27,2013 8:25pm - Thunderstool  ""]
Hahahaha HookedonMetal is a fucking stupid ass piece of shit!
[Jan 27,2013 8:44pm - Spence ""]
I would ABSOLUTELY love it if, on a future Seax album, they actually named a song Thunderstool. Just to piss someone off.
[Jan 27,2013 10:25pm - hahaha  ""]

BSV said:Call one of the best supporters and more knowledgeable metalheads around...


[Jan 27,2013 11:21pm - Thunderstool  ""]

Spence said:I would ABSOLUTELY love it if, on a future Seax album, they actually named a song Thunderstool. Just to piss someone off.

Hey now I tongued my fathers balloon knot of an asshole kid. Pipe down peppy.
[Jan 28,2013 12:30am - lore ""]
Someday we won't give two shits about the smelly farts we left behind and the hot wet rancid crappy smell in our nostrils will be a reminant of a time when the chili was hot, and runny, and goood... The only farts we will remember are the ones that were spectacular and let me tell you, I am always down for a good fart... HIGH ON METAL FOR LIFE!

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