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[Dec 17,2012 3:48pm - the old lady is the devil  ""]
How many of you nasty fucks rip farts in the elevator? Ever "backfired" on you? Post stories.
[Dec 17,2012 3:53pm - arilliusbm ""]

[Dec 17,2012 5:50pm - goatrider ""]
I was engaged in a heated elevator fart war with a neighbor at my apartment building since September, until my victory early last month. Unfortunately, reclaiming the elevator as my personal fartin' place came at a heavy toll... I was forced to cook and eat a dangerously high amount of Rectal Firestorm Agent, a very aggressive chili of mass disgusting. Having been left with no choice, I ended the conflict by unleashing a barrage of cataclysmic ass-rippage on the battlefield and surrounding area.

To this day, I am haunted by the terrible way in which this war ended. Can we ever truly move on?
[Dec 17,2012 5:56pm - shutup fagget  ""]

goatrider said:I was engaged in a heated elevator fart war with a neighbor at my apartment building since September, until my victory early last month. Unfortunately, reclaiming the elevator as my personal fartin' place came at a heavy toll... I was forced to cook and eat a dangerously high amount of Rectal Firestorm Agent, a very aggressive chili of mass disgusting. Having been left with no choice, I ended the conflict by unleashing a barrage of cataclysmic ass-rippage on the battlefield and surrounding area.

To this day, I am haunted by the terrible way in which this war ended. Can we ever truly move on?

shutup fagget

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