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SKULL HAMMER, SEAX, LORE, THE FATEFUL HOUR, TRIFORIUM DAWN - Ralph's Diner - Saturday January 12, 2013

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Dec 18,2012 7:36am - HookedonMetal ""]





[Dec 18,2012 7:39am - HookedonMetal ""]
Oh yeah, here's the Facebook event page.

[Dec 18,2012 3:27pm - HookedonFeces  ""]
Oooh look a faggoty pretty boy with spandex!
[Dec 19,2012 10:47am - HookedOnSpandex  ""]
Don't get all jealous cause the bulge in his spandex is bigger then yours bro
[Dec 25,2012 9:25pm - Thunderstool  ""]
HAHAHAHAHA they got a new drummer?????? Who'd be stupid enough to play with that faggot band?
[Dec 26,2012 2:30am - Spence ""]
I didn't realize you guys found a new drummer, nice!
[Dec 26,2012 10:46am - HookedonMetal ""]

Spence said:I didn't realize you guys found a new drummer, nice!

Yeah the new guy we have is sick. Adds a whole new dimension to our songs. Plus we have Eli from Ravage and Iron Will on second guitar now. The way we've been sounding with the new members, I can't wait for us all to get on stage again. Skull Hammer also has a sick new lineup. Their new drummer is powerful as hell and their new bassist kicks ass. Between that and all the other bands on this lineup, this show is not to be missed.

And Spencer... you need to find some way to turn 21 faster so you can go to this show! It rules that you're gonna see us play at Ragnarokkr, but it sucks that most venues here are 21+...
[Dec 26,2012 1:36pm - Dan Hammer  ""]
Lets face it.. pretty much anyone who replaces me automatically improves the drumming of said band.
[Dec 27,2012 9:49pm - what  ""]
chicken butt
[Dec 27,2012 9:49pm - why  ""]
chicken thigh
[Dec 27,2012 10:26pm - Dan Hammer  ""]
my wifes a tranny im gay
[Dec 27,2012 11:28pm - SS Necronaut  ""]
Doesn't Seax singer have small dick?
[Dec 28,2012 2:49pm - soul absorbing underwear  ""]

SS%20Necronaut said:Doesn't Zircon's singer have small dick?
[Dec 28,2012 4:40pm - Thunderstool  ""]
Does Zircon's singer even have a dick?
[Dec 28,2012 4:48pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Dec 31,2012 8:25am - Thunderstool  ""]


No but there's a fire in my ass!

[Jan 5,2013 2:51pm - Thunderstool  ""]
HookedonMetal does the cha cha like a sissy girl and his tiny little nipples went to France.
[Jan 6,2013 2:10am - Thunderbitch  ""]
How do you know about his tiny little nipples, fagget?
[Jan 6,2013 9:59am - Thundermindreader  ""]
I got ways of knowing.
[Jan 6,2013 4:12pm - Jay ov Triforium  ""]
cant wait for this show!
[Jan 6,2013 6:24pm - captain obvious  ""]
Above poster is either scott wily or someone pretending to be scott Wily. Either way, making fun of a guy who died almost a year ago means this troll is a shitbag.
[Jan 7,2013 3:33pm - HookedonMetal ""]
This is on Saturday. Come on out and go fucking crazy!!!!
[Jan 8,2013 8:13am - HookedonMetal ""]
[Jan 11,2013 7:56pm - Thunderstool  ""]
Seax are a bunch of faggot butt stinkers!
[Jan 12,2013 6:48am - HookedonMetal ""]
This is tonight!
[Jan 12,2013 8:29am - HookedonMetal ""]
Also, if anyone's interested in this sort of thing, my buddy Charlie is gonna be selling old school metal cassettes out of his car in the Ralph's parking lot. He's got a shitload of rare thrash, death, doom, heavy metal, and some other miscellaneous stuff.
[Jan 12,2013 8:31am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Most samefag thread in rttp history
[Jan 12,2013 11:05pm - Thunderstool  ""]
Thundersteel is probably there wearing his gjrly spandex and being an all around fagboy.
[Jan 12,2013 11:24pm - THUNDERRHEA  ""]
I ate Ralph's chili and all I got was this lousy thunderstool.
[Jan 12,2013 11:40pm - Thunderstool  ""]

THUNDERRHEA said:I ate Ralph's chili and all I got was this lousy thunderstool.

When there's spicy food, I come out to play with a crack of thunder. Thunderstools.
[Jan 13,2013 12:22am - Farts of Bayon  ""]
They don't smell. I promise.
[Jan 13,2013 5:47pm - Thunderstool  ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Most worthless thread in rttp history
[Jan 15,2013 6:26am - Thunderfarts  ""]

[Jan 15,2013 11:44am - HookedonMetal ""]
The Thunderstools are out in full swing here, I see.
[Jan 15,2013 6:35pm - Thunderstool  ""]
What the FUCK is Thundersteel wearing?!!!!

[Jan 17,2013 2:40am - HevvyMehul  ""]
Yeah Jay Waddell is no longer with us, have some respect man!
[Jan 17,2013 7:52am - woah  ""]
holy shit seax would actually be awesome if it wasnt for carmine... carmine is so fucking awful
[Jan 17,2013 10:15am - Butt Hurt  ""]
woah said:holy shit seax would actually be awesome if it wasnt for carmine... carmine is so fucking awful

Somebody's butt hurt! What's wrong you can't pull off wearing spandex?
[Jan 17,2013 7:10pm - woah  ""]
butt hurt? no, i feel bad for seax. they are awesome... but they have that dork on stage squeeling at random over all the songs
[Jan 17,2013 8:26pm - huh?  ""]
what is everyone's beef with carmine?
[Feb 25,2013 7:58pm - Thunderstool  ""]

huh? said:what is everyone's beef with carmine?

He's a fucking spandex wearing prick.
[Feb 27,2013 8:19am - Alex_Mooney_likes_this ""]
[Feb 27,2013 11:11pm - Thunderstool  ""]

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