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Super hot blonde doctor searching for ladder or rope

[Jan 3,2013 11:02am - Dr. Elsa Schneider  ""]
Guten tag. I've been stuck in a crevasse in the Canyon of the Crescent moon for a long time. I took a hidden sip of everlasting life and have not aged one bit. The Old Guy in glowing armor dropped down some device and I'm on ... "the internet" ? Can someone drive - assuming you still use automobiles- over and drop a rope down? thanks! 14/88.
[Jan 3,2013 11:05am - largefreakatzero ""]

"You have chosen...poorly."
[Jan 3,2013 11:09am - barren ark  ""]
she blows me away in that movie every damn time.
[Jan 3,2013 1:40pm - Yeti ""]
the actress Alison DOODY was only 23 when she played that role.
[Jan 3,2013 7:34pm - Spence ""]
She was one of the reasons why the third movie was clearly the best Indiana Jones movie.
[Jan 3,2013 7:44pm - KEVORD ""]
Raiders of the Lost Ark or GTFO.
[Jan 4,2013 9:29am - largefreakatzero ""]

Spence said:She was one of the reasons why the third movie was clearly the best Indiana Jones movie.

Not even fucking close.
[Jan 4,2013 10:37am - Yeti ""]
not to denigrate Last Crusade, but that is utter fucking blasphemy. Raiders.
[Jan 4,2013 2:25pm - Spence ""]
I watched Raiders so much as a kid since my parents didn't want me watching the second or third(I have no idea why they thought the violence in the first one was appropriate when the other two weren't)

I just watched Raiders so much as a kid, I know the whole movie from front to finish and... it's just boring to watch now. So I HAVE MY REASONS YO.
[Jan 4,2013 2:28pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Your reasons are wrong.

And I saw Raiders in the theater.
[Jan 4,2013 2:30pm - Spence ""]
I'm like, 12, don't bring age into this.

As long as everyone here can agree that the fourth movie sucked, then we're all good.
[Jan 4,2013 2:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 4,2013 3:20pm - Yeti ""]

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