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Mexican Death Metal / Grind Appreesh

[Jan 8,2013 4:15pm - trioxin245 ""]
our amigos south of the border always had a way with shithead brutality






[Jan 8,2013 4:18pm - trioxin245 ""]


[Jan 8,2013 4:18pm - trioxin245 ""]
I mainly just wanted to post DOMAIN. SO GOOD
[Jan 8,2013 4:22pm - trioxin245 ""]
man that Oxidised Razor album is so bad I LOVE IT
[Jan 8,2013 4:25pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah that Domain track is horrid sounding. I dig.
[Jan 8,2013 4:27pm - trioxin245 ""]

largefreakatzero said:Yeah that Domain track is horrid sounding. I dig.

THey only did that and an earlier demo unfortunately, and then got all Angel Corpsey and not as good and changed their name to Ravager.
[Jan 8,2013 4:28pm - the mex nli  ""]
Holy shit, domain
[Jan 8,2013 4:28pm - trioxin245 ""]
Well not really Angel Corpsey, just kind of satanic-deathy.
[Jan 8,2013 4:29pm - trioxin245 ""]

the%20mex%20nli said:Holy shit, domain

trioxin245 said:I mainly just wanted to post DOMAIN. SO GOOD

[Jan 8,2013 4:35pm - trioxin245 ""]
oh snap I can't believe I forgot about Morbosidad


edit: blackish deathish whatever
[Jan 8,2013 4:37pm - trioxin245 ""]
again not really DM but whatever brutal nonetheless

[Jan 8,2013 4:37pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I need more Mexican metal, I will check out these bands after work!
[Jan 8,2013 4:39pm - trioxin245 ""]
also, Jeremy Chavez was in Domain.

[Jan 8,2013 5:09pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 8,2013 5:21pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Hate to be that guy, but Anal Vomit is Peruvian. Anyways...

[Jan 8,2013 5:34pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Not brutal at all, but fucking riffs deluxe:

[Jan 8,2013 6:15pm - blue ""]
came in here to post morbosidad & the chasm. no need apparently. also, fuck off mexigorge
[Jan 8,2013 9:11pm - JEREMY CHAVEZ  ""]

trioxin245 said:also, Jeremy Chavez was in Domain.


[Jan 8,2013 9:31pm - the_reverend ""]


what was that guy in cali that trade/put out a lot of mexican stuff in america? war tapes? gr..
[Jan 8,2013 9:41pm - MikeOv  ""]


Title should read "Grief to Obscuro".
[Jan 9,2013 7:38am - trioxin245 ""]

blue said:came in here to post morbosidad & the chasm. no need apparently. also, fuck off mexigorge

Mexican Disgorge is so much better than shitty CA Disgorge, I can't even put enough ">"s

Mexigorge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Caligorge
[Jan 9,2013 7:38am - trioxin245 ""]
Also, yes I definitely DUN GOOFED with Anal Vomit.
[Jan 9,2013 7:52am - trioxin245 ""]
I don't hate Caligorge by any means, but the simple fact of the matter is that Mexigorge developed their own unique brutal sound, and Caligorge sounds like every other 'brutal death metal' band that ever existed. Cranial Impalement still kicks ass though.
[Jan 9,2013 8:21am - the_reverend ""]
WILD RAGS! I think that was the dude.
[Jan 9,2013 8:24am - trioxin245 ""]
Wild Rags was a good label, put out OFC, Gammacide, Nuclear Death, Blood, Impetigo, and that ridiculous crossover band Infamous Sinphony, among others. Not Mexican though.
[Jan 9,2013 8:28am - AndrewBastard ""]

trioxin245 said:also, Jeremy Chavez was in Domain.


holy. shit.

[Jan 9,2013 8:31am - AndrewBastard ""]


[Jan 9,2013 8:50am - the_reverend ""]

trioxin245 said:Wild Rags was a good label, put out OFC, Gammacide, Nuclear Death, Blood, Impetigo, and that ridiculous crossover band Infamous Sinphony, among others. Not Mexican though.

wild rags sent me a package for RTTP in 1997. I believe it was all mexican dm. Sargatanas's demo was in it.
[Jan 9,2013 8:53am - AndrewBastard ""]
i got that sargatanas CD in a trade randomly..its not great but not terrible either...

I couldnt think of any other worthwhile mexican't bands...
[Jan 9,2013 9:46am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

[Jan 9,2013 11:41am - trioxin245 ""]

AndrewBastard said:i got that sargatanas CD in a trade randomly..its not great but not terrible either...

I couldnt think of any other worthwhile mexican't bands...

what about Xibalba brah? AK POOP ET
[Jan 9,2013 12:35pm - AndrewBastard ""]

[Jan 9,2013 12:53pm - blue ""]

trioxin245 said:I don't hate Caligorge by any means, but the simple fact of the matter is that Mexigorge developed their own unique brutal sound, and Caligorge sounds like every other 'brutal death metal' band that ever existed. Cranial Impalement still kicks ass though.

yeah i know im totally alone pretty much on this board on my disgorge opinions.
[Jan 9,2013 12:57pm - MikeOv  ""]

blue said:
trioxin245 said:I don't hate Caligorge by any means, but the simple fact of the matter is that Mexigorge developed their own unique brutal sound, and Caligorge sounds like every other 'brutal death metal' band that ever existed. Cranial Impalement still kicks ass though.

yeah i know im totally alone pretty much on this board on my disgorge opinions.

I love Disgorge (cali). The demos + She Lay Gutted > Mexigorge.
[Jan 9,2013 1:01pm - trioxin245 ""]
I had a cranial impalement hoodie in high school, loved it. Then I bought she lay gutted, yawned, and moved on.
[Jan 9,2013 1:04pm - trioxin245 ""]
Necrholocaust is such a well written, welll performed death metal album. So brutal yet atomospheric and with the occasional cracked out Morbid Angel riffs. That album alone is better than every generic caligorge album combined, and it isnt even their best. Again I LIKE caligorge, but they arent anything special.
[Jan 9,2013 3:07pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Forgot to post these guys. Solid demo band:

[Jan 9,2013 3:10pm - BSV  ""]
sweet thread. I literally don't know anything other than Disgorge, The Chasm and Morbosidad. GOOD LOOKS. I suck at Central American Metal.
[Jan 9,2013 3:16pm - arilliusbm ""]
Not necessarily death or grind, but Mortuary was a solid early 90s mexithrash band that used to open up for Slayer.
Not death or thrash either, but I have a solid release by this black.metal band called FOREST OF DOOM which has an excellent cover of kvlt german band ASAKKU.
[Jan 9,2013 3:22pm - trioxin245 ""]
Yea I guess I should've just made it a 'mexican metal' thread, because there are good bands besides death / grind that need to be recognized.

For instance, if ya'll niggaz haven't heard POOP EK...

[Jan 9,2013 3:31pm - trioxin245 ""]
also I already posted it, but to reiterate, Anarchus KILLS


[Jan 9,2013 3:34pm - trioxin245 ""]
also, does anyone remember Argentum? Pretty unique / weird mexican doom band. I've only heard the one album I had, Interium Funebrarum.

[Jan 9,2013 3:42pm - trioxin245 ""]
Listening to Sargantanas right now, never heard. Sounds pretty decent so far, I like BM with heavy production.

Also, shoes, that Cenotaph album (the name escapes me right now) that you posted is pretty weird sounding, the only thing I've ever heard from them was "Gloomy Reflections of whatever whatever" which was pretty badass DM, almost in the vein of EoS.
[Jan 9,2013 4:02pm - BSV  ""]
forgot about Nasav, black metal

[Jan 9,2013 6:17pm - NuclearWinter ""]

trioxin245 said:also, does anyone remember Argentum? Pretty unique / weird mexican doom band. I've only heard the one album I had, Interium Funebrarum.


Digging it.
[Jan 9,2013 6:29pm - trioxin245 ""]
Yea they have other material ttoo that I would be cuurious to hear.
[Jan 9,2013 7:20pm - andrewbastard nli  ""]

BSV said:forgot about Nasav, black metal


Shit me too. I have a Hirilorn / Nasav split CD. I remember I got it because people kept comparing Horn of Valere to Hirilorn and I wanted to check them out... I don't hear it but I remember digging the Nasav stuff
[Jan 9,2013 7:23pm - arilliusbm ""]

[Jan 9,2013 9:32pm - punk potenza  ""]

trioxin245 said:

this for sure. they dont make shit like this anymore. Oxidized razor too. still got the spilt they did with autophagia. the mexi disgorge was great too. still have a copy of chronic copra infest. such a good album!

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