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More gun crap - manager of FPSRussia youtube channel found dead

[Jan 9,2013 12:29am - arilliusbm ""]

the "professional russian" that does all the gun videos didn't die; his manager did. he was apparently murdered, tied to a chair and shot in the head.


This comes just DAYS after John Noveske, founder of Noveske Rifleworks died in a "mysterious" car crash.


ShadowSD is wicked pissed khed.

[Jan 9,2013 12:45am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
If Noveske's seatbelt was a gun he'd still be alive.
[Jan 9,2013 12:56am - arilliusbm ""]
rofl @ alex jones on cnn last night yelling at piers morgan



pure fucking gold at the end of video 2 when he talks in a fake british accent and calls piers a redcoat.
[Jan 9,2013 1:01am - arilliusbm ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:If Noveske's seatbelt was a gun he'd still be alive.


[Jan 9,2013 2:31am - BSV  ""]
Hilarious footage of Jones, I watched it 3 times the night it aired and laughed harder and harder each time I saw it. His work is some of the most brilliant paranoia since Jim Jones. It's just hilarious watching his trade mark show up and pull this whole they took our jerbs crap, especially when it's just one media ego vs another media ego. Just sucks he failed to be slightly more eloquent or dare I say diplomatic, kinda makes his movement look a lil dumb, boisterous and postal but, oh well, glad I don't worship his agenda like others turn to Maddow, Blitzer, Sawyer, or Fox and Friends.
[Jan 9,2013 2:46am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

arilliusbm said:
BobNOMAAMRooney said:If Noveske's seatbelt was a gun he'd still be alive.



This halftrack smells like volksgrenadiers.
[Jan 9,2013 4:32pm - trioxin245 ""]
only this FPS is real:


edit: oof, didn't actually watch video, so didn't notice horrible music, but I THINK YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT.
[Jan 9,2013 9:56pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Piers Morgan wants Alex Jones back on his show, proving crazies make ratings, and Alex Jones knows what he is doing, and how to get his point across on a bigger platform. Piers Morgan was probably expecting him to cry by the end of the show, like some of his faggot guests.
[Jan 9,2013 10:20pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Just put my CCL in for renewal today. Fuck Obama, Biden, and that Feinstein twat. Piers Morgan is just another blowhard asshole whose opinion means nothing.
[Jan 10,2013 4:51am - Hoser ""]
True, but Alex Jones is a horrible ambassador for gun rights. He's an overweight, blow-hard moron with a mouth as big as the State he comes from.
[Jan 10,2013 6:59am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, Jones did us no favors with that stellar appearance.
[Jan 10,2013 7:14am - arilliusbm ""]
Jones has a personal agenda of sticking to the establishment and wanted to come off like that. He's not the best spokesperson by any means.
that being said, his appearance went viral and now they're talking about a mediated debate between the two.
Alex Jones rarely goes on CNN or FoxNews, so not many people know who he is. He definitely loves the attention.
Also, Hoser, TX > NH
[Jan 10,2013 7:17am - arilliusbm ""]
He is an insane blowhard who is raking in the dough on some of his ridiculous claims.
[Jan 10,2013 5:38pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jan 20,2013 3:02pm - ShadowSD ""]

arilliusbm said:ShadowSD is wicked pissed khed.

Ha, I missed this before.

arilliusbm said:the "professional russian" that does all the gun videos didn't die; his manager did. he was apparently murdered, tied to a chair and shot in the head.

In Soviet Union, bear arms you.




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