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Type O Negative appreciation

[Jan 25,2013 10:48am - Yeti ""]



[Jan 25,2013 10:50am - Andy Sandberg  ""]
I'm throwing this thread ON THE GROUND. What do you think this sites a joke?
[Jan 25,2013 10:50am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jan 25,2013 10:51am - arilliusbm ""]
Thanks again Yeti.
[Jan 25,2013 10:59am - MikeOv  ""]
Spoke to a friend about Type O and Pete's death just the other day. Band will forever remain relevant and in a class of their own.


[Jan 25,2013 11:03am - arilliusbm ""]
Interesting. I'll assume that the beginning and middle of the book will be much better than the end. Heeeyyyo.
[Jan 25,2013 11:06am - MikeOv  ""]
Even though it's relatively short, the lead in this song is so well placed that I consider it to be one of my favorites, along with the lead in Burzum's Key to the Gate. When the lead kicks in I can literally feel it draining the life out of me; it's that miserable.

Simplicity and feeling trumps flashiness any day.

[Jan 25,2013 11:09am - arilliusbm ""]
I'll agree there. The song is so simple. The production is stellar as well. Best track on the album IMHO.
[Jan 25,2013 11:14am - MikeOv  ""]
Well, I was referring more towards the lead in the song, but yes. I'd say what isn't simple are the arrangements and the songwriting effort in general. The entire piece is certainly not technical, but it is so well written that I'd say it's harder for a band to come up with a composition that embeds itself in the listeners mind, rather than hitting a bunch of notes and sounding complicated and chaotic.
[Jan 25,2013 11:16am - arilliusbm ""]
As much as I like certain technicalities in music, nothing beats simplicity. Addition by subtraction.
[Jan 25,2013 11:19am - Alx_Casket ""]
Simplicity and having the pieces just fit together perfectly. I'm glad the band resolved to not continue the band after Peter's death, it wouldn't hold a candle no matter what.
[Jan 25,2013 11:31am - boblovesmusic ""]
[Jan 25,2013 1:05pm - Yeti ""]

MikeOv said:Spoke to a friend about Type O and Pete's death just the other day. Band will forever remain relevant and in a class of their own.



i have no idea who this guy is, but fuck him, he will never do justice to what Peter Steele stood for.
[Jan 25,2013 1:07pm - Yeti ""]
the fucked up thing is that despite how important every other member was, they could all have been replaced and the band would go on. Peter Steele wrote and designed everything. Type O was an extension of who he was, which no person alive could ever replicate.
[Jan 25,2013 1:11pm - AndrewBastard ""]
agreed ^
[Jan 25,2013 2:53pm - robotpie ""]

MikeOv said:Even though it's relatively short, the lead in this song is so well placed that I consider it to be one of my favorites, along with the lead in Burzum's Key to the Gate. When the lead kicks in I can literally feel it draining the life out of me; it's that miserable.

Simplicity and feeling trumps flashiness any day.


Wow, I always wrote off Type O as shitty Hot Topic music. Don't know why, but I just gave this a listen and am really impressed. I'm going to have to explore Type O more now, it seems.
[Jan 25,2013 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
welcome to a whole new world.
[Jan 25,2013 4:03pm - ShadowSD ""]
Type O Negative has a permanent spot among the greatest bands of all time.
[Jan 25,2013 4:17pm - Will Spanner  ""]
Is it just me or is Life Is Killing Me totally underrated. I remember when that album came out it seemed like it flew under the radar a bit. Not their all time best I don't think but it's loaded with catchy tunes impossible to get outta yer head once their in there.
[Jan 25,2013 4:20pm - Spence ""]
The World Coming Down and October Rust are two of my favorite albums.

I must say, it really sucks that I hadn't properly checked out TON until AFTER Pete's death, because I absolutely love TON and Carnivore now. :(
[Jan 25,2013 4:20pm - AndrewBastard En El Eye  ""]
i love LiKM... i think dead again is their weakest but i still love it.
[Jan 25,2013 4:29pm - Will Spanner  ""]
World Coming Down is my favorite. Their doomiest and gloomiest yet it sacrifices none of the melodies they did oh so well. I don't really think they ever put out a bad album.
[Jan 25,2013 5:01pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Shear brilliance.
[Jan 25,2013 5:16pm - Yeti ""]
score one for Life is Killing Me. it has an underlying theme of anger and violence, rather than depression and self-destruction like WCD.
[Jan 25,2013 5:37pm - sinislazy  ""]


[Jan 26,2013 4:41am - Hoser ""]
Gotta say as well....one of my favorite bands of all time. World Coming Down and October Rust and.....fuck, they're all fucking great.

Major league appreesh'd. Good thread, Yeti. Bravo.
[Jan 26,2013 10:43pm - Josh FUKK nli  ""]

AndrewBastard%20En%20El%20Eye said:i love LiKM... i think dead again is their weakest but i still love it.

Woah. I totally disagree there. I thought Dead Again was their best since Bloody Kisses. They went out on top imho.

[Jan 27,2013 12:23pm - joeyvsdavidlopan ""]
October Rust is it for me. I'm in love with absolutely everything this band did, but nothing else puts me in the mood for the autumn season like this.


Also, this.

[Jan 27,2013 2:39pm - lore ""]
I began listening to type o just before dead again was released I bought every album within a one month period, got to see them live once at rock and shock before pete died. Sucks getting into a band and then their frontman dies... this was mine. I wish I had got to see them live more than once. Also I once heard some rumors from someone that they had early recordings of a new album that was never released anyone else know about this?
[Jan 27,2013 4:51pm - veqlargh ""]
Truly one ofthe greatest bands that ever existed. Anyone who does not appreciate Type O is no friend of mine. With the exception of a few of their lesser covers, they never played a bad note. I recently saw a tribute compilation cd that had bands with names like "A Band of Orcs" on it and I died a little inside.
[Jan 27,2013 4:57pm - veqlargh ""]

Josh%20FUKK%20nli said:
AndrewBastard%20En%20El%20Eye said:i love LiKM... i think dead again is their weakest but i still love it.

Woah. I totally disagree there. I thought Dead Again was their best since Bloody Kisses. They went out on top imho.

I agree. "Profit of Doom" is one of the best songs they ever wrote.
[Jan 28,2013 7:44am - Yeti ""]

lore said:I began listening to type o just before dead again was released I bought every album within a one month period, got to see them live once at rock and shock before pete died. Sucks getting into a band and then their frontman dies... this was mine. I wish I had got to see them live more than once. Also I once heard some rumors from someone that they had early recordings of a new album that was never released anyone else know about this?

they had so many b-sides and random songs, i'm sure there is a catalogue of stuff he wrote but never released. i hope that there are something like 40+ covers they recorded that are waiting to be unearthed.
[Jan 28,2013 2:25pm - lore ""]
That would be a killer box set would definitely pick that up although they may continue peters legacy of filling their fans with false hopes and empty promises...we will seeeeee
[Jan 28,2013 2:34pm - dreadkill ""]
I enjoy all their stuff. Life is Killing ME might not be their best overall album, but I Don't Wanna Be Me, Nettie, and Anesthesia are three of my favorite songs from type o.
[Feb 2,2013 2:12am - Mr Conductor  ""]
Captain kangaroo pretends to like type o to pick up girls

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