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I have a small penis

[Jan 31,2013 1:40pm - Brian from Heliofight  ""]
You have to look under a microscope in order to see it.
[Jan 31,2013 1:42pm - Alex_from_heliofight ""]
I thought you boys would be lining up to see Brians wang. You probably haven't seen your own in years under that cum barrel you call a belly.
[Jan 31,2013 1:43pm - shutup fagget  ""]

Alex_from_heliofight said:I bought you boys would be lining up to see Brians wang. You probably haven't seen your own in years under that cum barrel you call a belly.

shutup fagget
[Jan 31,2013 2:00pm - Brian from heliofight  ""]
Yo my boy told me some fag posted this pretending to be me. Yea that ain't true. I have 8 inches of pure latino beef you fag. Thats probably more beef then 3 of you noise fags dream of having. Stop being pussies and just face the facts that we are just better then you
[Jan 31,2013 2:02pm - Brian from Heliofag  ""]
Correction. I had a DREAM that my dick was 8 inches.
[Jan 31,2013 2:04pm - eye-gore ""]
Maybe if we just agree that they are obviously far superior human beings, they'll go back to that troll training center they call hello,fight... er...helium fight..er..helicopterridesforkidsunder3is free, or whatever the fuck these fagz claim to be.

...just a thought
[Jan 31,2013 2:04pm - Brian from Heliofag  ""]
Then I woke up and it was microscopic and I cried and faced the reality. Then I retreated to living in denial.
[Jan 31,2013 2:06pm - A novel idea, good sir!  ""]

eye-gore said:Maybe if we just agree that they are obviously far superior human beings, they'll go back to that troll training center they call hello,fight... er...helium fight..er..helicopterridesforkidsunder3is free, or whatever the fuck these fagz claim to be.

...just a thought

They could go back to Helium Fight and learn to use balloons as weapons.
[Jan 31,2013 2:15pm - eye-gore ""]

[Jan 31,2013 2:20pm - Brian from heliofight  ""]
Yea ok I think you are just jealous because I know how to fight and have a big dick and a nice car and everything else going on while you have shit and play shit music
[Jan 31,2013 2:21pm - eye-gore ""]

Brian%20from%20heliofight said:Yea ok I think you are just jealous because I know how to fight and have a big dick and a nice car and everything else going on while you have shit and play shit music

[Jan 31,2013 2:22pm - DYA is HEATH LEGERDEMAIN  ""]
I'm gønna gø hæve a shit right nøw, æs a matter of fæct.
[Jan 31,2013 7:35pm - Brian from Heliofight  ""]

Brian%20from%20heliofight said:Yea ok I think you are just jealous because I know how to fight and have a big dick and a nice car and everything else going on while you have shit and play shit music

I had another dream! I swear I'm going delusional. I have a shitbox and no penis. I couldn't get laid if I had a $100 bill strapped to my dick.

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