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alternate troll name

[Feb 2,2013 2:10pm - shutup fagget  ""]
shutup fagget troll name is community property of RTTP, for when it needs to be said to some fagget asshole. With that being said I am also starting a new troll name: shutup asshole, not gonna login about or do a ritual about it as my dick is bro, and I hang dong.
[Feb 2,2013 2:12pm - shutup asshole  ""]

shutup%20fagget said:shutup fagget troll name is community property of RTTP, for when it needs to be said to some fagget asshole. With that being said I am also starting a new troll name: shutup asshole, not gonna login about or do a ritual about it as my dick is bro, and I hang dong.

shutup asshole

(see it works fine, and is fitting for my fagget post, and yes I know I spell fagget wrong you pussy)
[Feb 2,2013 3:09pm - shutup dickwad  ""]

shutup%20asshole said:
shutup%20fagget said:shutup fagget troll name is community property of RTTP, for when it needs to be said to some fagget asshole. With that being said I am also starting a new troll name: shutup asshole, not gonna login about or do a ritual about it as my dick is bro, and I hang dong.

shutup asshole

(see it works fine, and is fitting for my fagget post, and yes I know I spell fagget wrong you pussy)

shutup dickwad
[Feb 2,2013 4:28pm - shutup asshole  ""]

shutup%20dickwad said:
shutup%20asshole said:
shutup%20fagget said:shutup fagget troll name is community property of RTTP, for when it needs to be said to some fagget asshole. With that being said I am also starting a new troll name: shutup asshole, not gonna login about or do a ritual about it as my dick is bro, and I hang dong.

shutup asshole

(see it works fine, and is fitting for my fagget post, and yes I know I spell fagget wrong you pussy)

shutup dickwad

[Feb 2,2013 4:28pm - zipit shithead  ""]

shutup%20asshole said:
shutup%20dickwad said:
shutup%20asshole said:
shutup%20fagget said:shutup fagget troll name is community property of RTTP, for when it needs to be said to some fagget asshole. With that being said I am also starting a new troll name: shutup asshole, not gonna login about or do a ritual about it as my dick is bro, and I hang dong.

shutup asshole

(see it works fine, and is fitting for my fagget post, and yes I know I spell fagget wrong you pussy)

shutup dickwad


legit ^^^
[Feb 2,2013 6:43pm - shutup fagget  ""]
shutup fagget
[Feb 2,2013 8:17pm - dinky winky  ""]
Dinky Winky
[Feb 2,2013 9:20pm - Japan 4  ""]
For the eels. The shiny shoe.

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