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wtf camel toe video

[Jun 29,2004 10:04pm - the_reverend ""]

I was searching for more info on that music video and I found this.
it's gross, except for the part where you can buy a fake camel toe.
[Jun 29,2004 10:27pm - blue ""]
'i bet it leaves tracks when you walk in the snow, why dont you let your camel toe show.'

words to live life by.
[Jun 29,2004 11:21pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
ew. them there vaginas hang too much. ick.
[Jun 29,2004 11:26pm - succubus ""]
hahaha i know
gross indeed
[Jun 29,2004 11:32pm - Abbath ""]
ugh i don't know what to think about that
all those women are mega nasty, i think i'm gonna hurl

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