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I have something very personal to say.

[Feb 5,2013 1:47pm - ArrowHead Logged In....Once  ""]
From today forward I can no longer live a lie. I am a woman trapped a mans body.That's why I hate pictures of dicks so much. Because I despise my own. From now on refer to me as Patricia ArrowtwatNLI. Thank you for your understanding. Stay Metal.
[Feb 5,2013 1:50pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]
Well done, you got the "H" correct. Now if only you'd remembered from 4th grade grammar that every word in a thread title/subject should be capitalized, you might pass for me.

[Feb 5,2013 1:59pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]
Funny part is, I'm pretty sure it's Yeti - and I never realized he trolled here.

Yeti - your grammar gives you away. Alex and Aril know when to use caps. You don't.

[Feb 5,2013 2:01pm - arilliusbm ""]
It's not Yeti, he doesn't troll.
[Feb 5,2013 2:02pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]
It was a guess, to lure the real culprit, based on looking at ten random thread titles on the front page.

I guess what I'm saying is - It's you, as usual.

[Feb 5,2013 2:03pm - Fake ARIL  ""]
ArrowHead NEVER trolls.
[Feb 5,2013 2:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
It's not me but I know who it is.
[Feb 5,2013 2:06pm - ArrowHead Dropped a Log  ""]
Due to lack of actual good "zingers", coupled with knowledge of my old band which you'd need to know me or have been a member on Baystate Rock to remember, I'ma gonna guess Burnsy as my third and final answer. That is my final answer, Regis.

[Feb 5,2013 2:15pm - ArrowHead Smells Like A Log  ""]
It's Reimroc.
[Feb 5,2013 2:19pm - Burnsy ""]
Hahaha. Definitely not me but I LOLed at InErrorHead.
[Feb 5,2013 2:21pm - Thunderstool  ""]
I troll better than all of you.
[Feb 5,2013 2:22pm - Burnsy ""]

ArrowHead%20Dropped%20a%20Log said:Due to lack of actual good "zingers"

But... but... all my friends laugh at my jokes and puns.
[Feb 5,2013 2:29pm - ArrowHead Dropped a Log  ""]

ArrowHead%20Smells%20Like%20A%20Log said:It's Reimroc.

That would be pretty awesome.
[Feb 5,2013 2:31pm - ArrowHead Dropped a Log  ""]

Burnsy said:Hahaha. Definitely not me but I LOLed at InErrorHead.

Me too. Shocked anyone here's even heard of the band. If it were a band worth remembering, I'd take it as a compliment. Instead, it's creepy and stalkerish that someone here remembers my nu-metal band from almost 15 years ago that was together less than a year.

Up next - let's all reminisce about how much we miss Breedinground.
[Feb 5,2013 2:32pm - Diecast  ""]

ArrowHead%20Dropped%20a%20Log said:
Up next - let's all reminisce about how much we miss Breedinground.

Never heard of em
[Feb 5,2013 2:34pm - Diecast  ""]

Burnsy said:
ArrowHead%20Dropped%20a%20Log said:Due to lack of actual good "zingers"

But... but... all my friends laugh at my jokes and puns.

Actually, if someone were to try and shit-talk me here, you'd be the most capable. All it takes is pictures of dick and shit-talking about pizza skills and I'm in a rage.

[Feb 5,2013 2:34pm - ArrowHead Did Not Post As Diecast  ""]
That was not me
[Feb 5,2013 2:35pm - ArrowHead Would Never Troll Himself  ""]
That wasn't me either.
[Feb 5,2013 2:38pm - ArrowHead Needs to Learn to Log In  ""]
The workday is not even over yet. The trolling should be moving much quicker right now.
[Feb 5,2013 2:48pm - ArrowHeadbanging Man  ""]
I wish Baystate Rock Was still around so ArrowHead would go away.
[Feb 5,2013 2:53pm - ArrowHead Needs to Learn to Log In  ""]

ArrowHeadbanging%20Man said:I wish Baystate Rock Was still around so ArrowHead would go away.

I've always been on both, dude. Well, I was on BSR a few months earlier.

A real ArrowHead troll would remember my own metal site of utter failness from 14 years ago - www.masscore.com

Now that site was just plain old gaaaaaaay

[Feb 5,2013 2:55pm - ArrowHead Needs to Learn to Log In  ""]
Oh, and also: go away? I post like one day every two weeks. If anything, this place needs more me.

[Feb 5,2013 2:56pm - OLD DAD  ""]

[Feb 5,2013 2:57pm - Fake ARIL  ""]
Old News. Come back when you've had to write fan mail to bands asking them to come play your village.
[Feb 5,2013 2:58pm - Fake SPENCE  ""]
What's wrong with Dokken and Warrant? I think people don't give the music of the past enough respect around here.
[Feb 5,2013 3:04pm - dried up vagina  ""]

Fake%20SPENCE said:What's wrong with Dokken and Warrant? I think people don't give the music of the past enough respect around here.

[Feb 5,2013 3:14pm - ArrowHead Logged In  ""]
What the fuck is going on in here?

Clearly I'm the real ArrowHead, as I am logged in. Fuck off all other ArrowHeads.
[Feb 5,2013 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
i'm honored you thought of me first, but yeah i don't troll.
[Feb 5,2013 3:34pm - dried up vagina  ""]

ArrowHead%20Logged%20In said:What the fuck is going on in here?

Clearly I'm the real ArrowHead, as I am logged in. Fuck off all other ArrowHeads.

Why don't you grow some pubes and log out and troll about it!!!
[Feb 5,2013 3:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yes, I love these references. Glad to see people have a sense of humor.
[Feb 5,2013 3:38pm - grow some pubes  ""]

arilliusbm said:Yes, I love these references. Glad to see people have a sense of humor.

So then you agree this is a troll opera?
[Feb 5,2013 3:39pm - grow some pubes  ""]
also you are the only one logged in on this thread WTF????
[Feb 5,2013 3:40pm - Captain Obvious  ""]
ArilHead fighting with himself again.
[Feb 5,2013 3:41pm - ArrowHead Logged In  ""]

grow%20some%20pubes said:also you are the only one logged in on this thread WTF????

I also had to log in, to protect my good name. Now I will be posting only logged in.

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