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We Suffer (But Why?)

[Feb 13,2013 6:11am - NEGROTIC OVERLORD  ""]
I first heard about MLP-FiM from a feature on the "Know Your Meme" website. And after I saw the first two episodes I thought: "This show could be BIG in the Furry Fandom." Three seasons later not only has the show become popular with many Furries but surprisingly the show spawned its own fandom: "Bronies".

There's been a lot of talk about Bronies in the Furry fandom, unfortunately mostly negative. Older adult Furs think of them as annoying hyperactive teenage and college fanboys. Other Furs just don't like the show so they blast them or any Furry who loves the show. And with the reputation we Furs have gotten from the mainstream media since the early 2000's most Bronies don't think of Furries highly either. They believe the same Furry "sex freaks" stereotypes that Anime, Sci-Fi fans and trolls believe, and also blame our fandom for giving their fandom a bad reputation.


Modern people are ass useless.
[Feb 13,2013 7:45am - Sodomizer Of Christian Scum  ""]

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