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Catholic anal boy rape

[Feb 13,2013 6:13am - NEGROTIC OVERLORD  ""]
Request for the Vatican to release all internal records of scandals on US soil and compensate US families disrupted.

We the American People request the Obama Administration to take action!

Did Pope Benedict resign because of the extensive child molestation occurring under his command?

With the resignation of Pope Benedict, the number of coincidences involving the Roman Catholic church and child molestation has reached a fever pitch. It is estimated that at least 4% of Roman Catholic priests sexually assault the American youth.

In furtherance, We the American People demand annual extensive psychological evaluations, including brain scans, on all Catholic priests in direct contact with America's children.

With the release of all internal records that took place on US soil, We the American People demand compensation from the Roman Catholic Church and presented to any families that have been disrupted.

[Feb 13,2013 7:40am - Sodomizer Of Christian Scum  ""]

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