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Fagaroth announces new song about another old building in the waltham area

[Feb 13,2013 4:19pm - Fagaroth  ""]
new song about the old abandoned FedEx building in waltham near exit 26 off of I-95, "Forlorn Warehouse of Forgotten Mystery"
[Feb 13,2013 4:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 13,2013 5:01pm - DYA is AN ASS MAN  ""]
4.5/10, but still I'm gonna start an all-SPAGs themed raw black metal project because of this thread.
[Feb 13,2013 5:13pm - Fagaroth  ""]

arilliusbm said:4/10
ill take it.was expectign a 0/10
[Feb 13,2013 5:19pm - Yeti ""]
[Feb 13,2013 7:55pm - narkybark ""]
Forest of Spags
[Feb 14,2013 2:03am - shutup spagget  ""]

Fagaroth said:new song about the old abandoned FedEx building in waltham near exit 26 off of I-95, "Forlorn Warehouse of Forgotten Mystery"

shutup, spagget
[Feb 14,2013 3:08am - goatcatalyst ""]
I'm actually really into old warehouses. Cryptic shit.
[Feb 14,2013 6:37am - HipSissyMiss  ""]

goatcatalyst said:I'm actually really into older men. Cryptic dicks.
sounds about right
[Feb 14,2013 9:29pm - this site is fucking gay  ""]
shut the fuck up. you are not funny...at all.

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