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the truth

[Feb 25,2013 5:11pm - the truth  ""]
-if you wear corpse paint to a show and are not in a band, you arent a metalhead you are a raver who is too much of a dork to get into a rave

-if you hit these kids, i guarantee they wont keep showing up to shows with corpse paint on smiling like fucking dipshits

-if you are under 21, keep your fucking mouth shut about music when people double your age are trying to have a conversation, you wanna-be know-it-all suburban brats

-black metal is not dead, you just don't know where to find it

-metalcore is for fake tough guys who dont have the balls to go to actual HC shows, but prefer ed hardy and affliction shirts to black jeans and long hair

-municipal waste is fucking gay

-i am not a very good troll
[Feb 25,2013 5:22pm - Yeti ""]

the%20truth said:if you wear corpse paint to a show and are not in a band, you arent a metalhead you are a juggalo-in-hiding
[Feb 25,2013 5:23pm - the truth  ""]
-if i was in a band and saw those kids in the crowd i would walk off stage
[Feb 25,2013 10:18pm - Thunderstool  ""]
What about spandex wearing losers?
[Feb 25,2013 10:31pm - Metal Bystander  ""]


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