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howl are hipster poseur metal metals

[Mar 2,2013 5:00am - kakapoo  ""]
and anyone who plays w/ them are fuggetts
[Mar 2,2013 11:03am - Attention Sexworker  ""]
[Mar 2,2013 1:21pm - AndrewBastard nawt logged in  ""]
we're playing with them in Manchester, NH on the 31st

gonna be a LOT of gay sex.
[Mar 2,2013 6:32pm - Attention Sexworker  ""]

AndrewBastard%20nawt%20logged%20in said:
gonna be a LOT of gay sex.

Smells like asphalt and cream of mushroom soup.
[Mar 2,2013 10:51pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
We're in the US. People who spell "posers" with a 'u' are gay faggot queermosexuals who like dicks up their ass and men.
Never heard of Howl but I bet they're fags too.
[Mar 3,2013 12:35pm - why  ""]
[Mar 3,2013 3:21pm - Attention Sexworker  ""]
[Mar 3,2013 5:32pm - Lamp and his new haircut  ""]
Was never really a fan. Seem like nice enough dudes though.

Went down to New London to see a show they played. Was most interested in David Carradine and Hivesmasher. Used to see Howl a bunch 6 years ago or so and knew exactly what I was missing.
[Mar 4,2013 11:10am - kylesa is the best black metal band  ""]
dreads, 10 color print shirts, animal skulls, beards... I WONDER WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE????
[Mar 4,2013 11:16am - ÆRK  ""]
[Mar 4,2013 11:45am - lbprovidence ""]
I like and respect these guys. they've always been really cool to me. and they've been playing the same type of music in prov forever. not posers or hipsters.

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