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Taking offers on gear

[Mar 14,2013 7:34pm - my_dying_bride ""]
all cash offers considered
[Mar 14,2013 7:37pm - my_dying_bride ""]
Wanted to give you guys a chance before I put this stuff on eBay. FaderPort and alesis sr-16 both used once.
[Mar 14,2013 7:41pm - blue ""]
i dont think ive ever seen a real pic of an EH-2 before, just the stock BOSS catalog ones.
[Mar 14,2013 7:41pm - my_dying_bride ""]
shits vintage yo
[Mar 14,2013 7:52pm - AndrewBastard EN EL EYE  ""]
what does the EH2 do?

kinda want that drum machine.
[Mar 15,2013 8:26am - ShadowSD ""]
I need more SENS on that guitar. I said SENS!

Seriously, what does the enhancer pedal do anyway?
[Mar 15,2013 11:07am - NOT SLAG  ""]
Where you located and would you take $55 for the sr-16?

Going price for used on EBay is roughly the same on average.

[Mar 16,2013 11:25am - Mdb nli  ""]
Im in waltham and ill take $65.
it was only turned on to mess around with the sounds
[Mar 16,2013 11:29am - Burnsy ""]
Private message sent.
[Mar 16,2013 12:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
Sent pm a few days ago, offered 150 for a few items.
[Mar 16,2013 1:34pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
i am in NY so I couldnt check... I have replied.
[Mar 16,2013 7:00pm - ????????????  ""]

My_Dying_Bride said:i am in NY so I couldnt check... I have replied.
why is your nname capitalized all of a sudden?

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