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Mar 29 (Fri) - Suicide Dream and Ten More Bands in CONTEST TO WIN A SLOT AT THE NEW ENGLAND METAL AND HARDCORE FESTIVAL, Contact shadowsd@snet.net for tickets and with your support traditional metal can beat out the metalcore bands for this slot - Webster Theatre (Hartford, CT)

SUICIDE DREAM First Show in 14 Months THIS FRIDAY 3/29 at The Webster in Hartford, CT: CONTEST TO WIN A SLOT AT NEMAHF

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Mar 22,2013 4:39pm - ShadowSD ""]
Friday, March 29 at The Webster Theater in Hartford, CT

Suicide Dream, Anamalech, and Nine More Bands Compete To Win a Slot at NEMAHF

All Ages, 6 pm, $10

We originally weren't planning on doing anything before the album was done, but The Webster called us up and asked us to play this and we figured it was a pretty good opportunity.

Winner moves on to a final round Saturday, April 13, also at The Webster, from which several bands win an upstairs slot at The New England Metal and Hardcore Fest the following weekend at the Palladium, and the winning band wins a downstairs slot at NEMAHF.

Aside from MA prog metallers Anamalech, we seem to be the only other traditional metal (as in not metalcore) band on this bill, so this is a great chance to help metal beat the carbon copy metalcore bands and up the quality of NEMAHF a bit. Contact me at shadowsd@snet.net for tickets.

[Mar 22,2013 4:55pm - The Results Are Already In  ""]
You Lost.
[Mar 22,2013 5:26pm - ShadowSD ""]
[Mar 22,2013 5:31pm - Yeti ""]
Anamalech? holy shit.
[Mar 22,2013 8:32pm - MetalThursday ""]
Have Casey ply the judges with his world famous hot dogs.
[Mar 22,2013 9:44pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
lol @ "win a slot at the NE metal and hardcore festival"

Maybe if they called it the "New England Giant Conversion Party" it'd be truthful. Win the opportunity to pay to play = lose.

[Mar 23,2013 10:15am - ShadowSD ""]
What you said makes no sense. You win a slot means you win a slot, so you obviously don't have to pay anything.
[Mar 23,2013 11:30am - TRUTH  ""]
The only thing worse then playing NEMHF is having to win a contest to play to 3 people at noon on saturday at NEMHF.
[Mar 23,2013 2:46pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]

ShadowSD said:What you said makes no sense. You win a slot means you win a slot, so you obviously don't have to pay anything.

Oh, thought it was a race to see who'd have the privlege of having that pay to play slot. If not, my bad. Thank you for calling me on it.

But still, there is neither netal nor hardcore at that show, unless by "hardcore" you mean bareback man-on-man action. That's pretty hardcore, sailor.
[Mar 23,2013 8:21pm - DanOfBereavement  ""]
Dude, that fest sucks Shadow, don't lower yourself by even showing up. We played and it was horrid!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW we did not pay anything to play it. It just sucked super super balls. The only great thing about it was drinking for 17 hours, partying with Suffocation at 3 am and watching Frank get into a fight with some lame Boston skin head. The fest itself sucked so bad in fact that we ended up in a dance club drinking Parton because the bands were so painful. Playing your melodic brand of moody music to a bunch of ignorant fucking straight edge pit mongers will do you no good bro.
[Mar 23,2013 8:23pm - DanOfBereavement  ""]
And btw, Shadow, we have been friends for a LONG time, I say this with absolutely no disrespect intended brother. Just trying to spare you a really bad experience and waste of time and money.
[Mar 23,2013 9:16pm - ShadowSD ""]
Yeah, I know man, thanks, you're probably right, I just figured fans of Opeth, Katatonia, etc. might appreciate us, but it all remains to be seen I guess. We already have people coming to see us for this show on Friday and wouldn't want to let them down, so we're in at this point and just hoping for the best.

The only great thing about it was drinking for 17 hours, partying with Suffocation at 3 am and watching Frank get into a fight with some lame Boston skin head

Hey, now that doesn't sound so bad!

That's our worst case scenario if we play I figured, we still get to party and maybe make some connections with a couple of the bands that don't suck balls, plus snagging a downstairs Palladium slot, if we can win that, helps us get in for other shows that might be more worthwhile. I know getting an upstairs slot isn't exactly rare, but in our case, even though we've headlined so many different places in Worcester and played at Hartford's Webster a dozen times, we have yet to get into the Palladium so it's a foot in the door. Plus once when Opeth played the Palladium Laurel and I got to party with them, this was back in 2003, but maybe building on that connection again could be another benefit of this too?

Course I might be back here in a few weeks saying damn it Dan you were right. Appreciate the advice, bro, thanks.
[Mar 24,2013 12:56am - ShadowSD ""]

Yeti said:Anamalech? holy shit.

I'm still trying to figure out if there's any connection or if this is just a coincidence.

The name makes me think of roast pig, that I know for sure.
[Mar 24,2013 11:14am - ShadowSD ""]

MetalThursday said:Have Casey ply the judges with his world famous hot dogs.

[Mar 25,2013 8:20am - ShadowSD ""]

TRUTH said:The only thing worse then playing NEMHF is having to win a contest to play to 3 people at noon on saturday at NEMHF.

I thought about that and asked about it up front when we were offered the show, the slot is not that early.
[Mar 25,2013 11:29am - i_am_lazy  ""]
Meh, I can see a benefit to it. Any time you get an opportunity to play to someone outside of your typical draw has potential to be worth it...at least if you're not paying to play. Especially if it's an all-ages show when you typically play 21+ shows. 16-year olds buy shit.
[Mar 25,2013 1:02pm - Yeti ""]

ShadowSD said:
Yeti said:Anamalech? holy shit.

I'm still trying to figure out if there's any connection or if this is just a coincidence.

The name makes me think of roast pig, that I know for sure.

i saw Jay at the Nile show so maybe they are reforming.
[Mar 25,2013 8:48pm - ShadowSD ""]
That would be really cool to see.
[Mar 26,2013 2:14pm - ShadowSD ""]

i_am_lazy said:Meh, I can see a benefit to it. Any time you get an opportunity to play to someone outside of your typical draw has potential to be worth it...

Yeah, this has always been my philosophy.
[Mar 26,2013 3:11pm - DanOfBereavement  ""]
No problem Shadow, I will always send you my support and best of wishes. I truly hope it ends up worth while. Have a great time and kick ass, win that slot and take the world over \m/ \m/ BTW, You will be playing with or piano player/singer...she plays in a band called Helsot (part of Pagan fest tour) , if you happen to be there for her set, please give extra shouts and metal screams to her.
[Mar 26,2013 3:13pm - DanOfBereavement  ""]
Shit, not logged in can't edit

Our (SOB) piano player
[Mar 27,2013 10:38am - ShadowSD ""]
Cool, thanks dude, major support from us will go to her, assuming we're able to get that far.
[Mar 27,2013 6:22pm - ShadowSD ""]
So just found out that this will be decided with a decibel reader to gauge crowd noise for each band, interesting.
[Mar 28,2013 9:02am - MotleyGrue ""]
Good luck with your show dude.
[Mar 28,2013 9:04am - King Thunderstool  ""]

MotleyGrue said:I am a giant faggey boy!
[Mar 28,2013 10:12am - ShadowSD ""]

MotleyGrue said:Good luck with your show dude.


ITT: Dumb troll failing at insulting you doesn't realize he's helping to promote this show by bumping the thread to the top of the forum
[Mar 28,2013 10:45am - ShadowSD ""]
Calling all loud drunks in and around CT who enjoy going to metal shows, this is your time to shine...
[Mar 28,2013 1:06pm - Yeti ""]
i wish i could make it to this, i haven't heard Eternity's End live in about 10 years.
[Mar 28,2013 9:06pm - ShadowSD ""]
We'll be doing more shows, too, even if this doesn't go our way we'll find our way up to Worcester when the album's done.

[Mar 28,2013 9:12pm - herp derpson  ""]

ShadowSD said:So just found out that this will be decided with a decibel reader to gauge crowd noise for each band, interesting.

that sounds fucking retarded.
[Mar 28,2013 9:18pm - Everyone  ""]
[Mar 29,2013 8:21am - ShadowSD ""]
Uh oh, sounds like one of the metalcore bands read this thread and got butthurt.

Fear not, brave homos, victory may still yet be yours.

[Mar 29,2013 2:31pm - ShadowSD ""]
Getting ready to head out for this now...
[Mar 29,2013 2:44pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Good luck shadow
[Mar 29,2013 2:47pm - shutup_fagget ""]

Alx_Casket said:Good luck shadow

shutup fagget
[Mar 29,2013 2:51pm - Alx_Casket ""]
no you
[Mar 29,2013 2:58pm - deep thoughts  ""]

ShadowSD said:Uh oh, sounds like one of the metalcore bands read this thread and got butthurt.

Fear not, brave homos, victory may still yet be yours.

Never one single chuckle, never one effective comeback. Just thread death and cancer.
[Mar 29,2013 3:01pm - deeper thoughts  ""]
[Mar 30,2013 12:51pm - ShadowSD ""]
Thanks to everyone who wished us luck.

This ended up being a great experience to my surprise, it was one of our biggest reactions ever, despite 80% of the crowd not being people we knew, and the first time I can remember for us that literally every last member of the crowd kept chanting for one more song until the place gave in and had to let us play an extra one (and I don't mean cluster of twenty boisterous die-hard dudes we brought chanting one more song, but the whole place, women and men, every age, and all the bands we were competing against, in a reaction I haven't seen from a crowd to a band unless a national was playing.) Shit was insane, like nothing we've experienced. I had figured beforehand that everyone but people we drew to the show would have sat on their hands.

We move on to the final round Saturday, April 13 at The Webster Theater. I have a feeling this one will be the challenge to win, because last I've heard, it turns out only one band makes it from there to NEMAHF.

Have to say though, last night would even have been worth it if there was no competition and just as a stand alone show, given that we have so many new names on our mailing list and completely against my expectations got treated like f'ing rock stars by the crowd.

Moral: Anonymous trolls bitch in threads. Bands play shows, take chances, and build, one fan at a time.
[Mar 31,2013 11:40am - shutup_fagget ""]

ShadowSD said:Thanks to everyone who wished us luck.

This ended up being a great experience to my surprise, it was one of our biggest reactions ever, despite 80% of the crowd not being people we knew, and the first time I can remember for us that literally every last member of the crowd kept chanting for one more song until the place gave in and had to let us play an extra one (and I don't mean cluster of twenty boisterous die-hard dudes we brought chanting one more song, but the whole place, women and men, every age, and all the bands we were competing against, in a reaction I haven't seen from a crowd to a band unless a national was playing.) Shit was insane, like nothing we've experienced. I had figured beforehand that everyone but people we drew to the show would have sat on their hands.

We move on to the final round Saturday, April 13 at The Webster Theater. I have a feeling this one will be the challenge to win, because last I've heard, it turns out only one band makes it from there to NEMAHF.

Have to say though, last night would even have been worth it if there was no competition and just as a stand alone show, given that we have so many new names on our mailing list and completely against my expectations got treated like f'ing rock stars by the crowd.

Moral: Anonymous trolls bitch in threads. Bands play shows, take chances, and build, one fan at a time.

cool story, fagget
[Mar 31,2013 12:26pm - OfficiaL Board Member of Shutup Fagget  ""]

shutup_fagget said:
ShadowSD said:Thanks to everyone who wished us luck.

This ended up being a great experience to my surprise, it was one of our biggest reactions ever, despite 80% of the crowd not being people we knew, and the first time I can remember for us that literally every last member of the crowd kept chanting for one more song until the place gave in and had to let us play an extra one (and I don't mean cluster of twenty boisterous die-hard dudes we brought chanting one more song, but the whole place, women and men, every age, and all the bands we were competing against, in a reaction I haven't seen from a crowd to a band unless a national was playing.) Shit was insane, like nothing we've experienced. I had figured beforehand that everyone but people we drew to the show would have sat on their hands.

We move on to the final round Saturday, April 13 at The Webster Theater. I have a feeling this one will be the challenge to win, because last I've heard, it turns out only one band makes it from there to NEMAHF.

Have to say though, last night would even have been worth it if there was no competition and just as a stand alone show, given that we have so many new names on our mailing list and completely against my expectations got treated like f'ing rock stars by the crowd.

Moral: Anonymous trolls bitch in threads. Bands play shows, take chances, and build, one fan at a time.

cool story, fagget

You are doing it wrong fagget
[Mar 31,2013 12:50pm - Shutup Shutup Fagget  ""]
[Mar 31,2013 3:55pm - MotleyGrue ""]

Everyone said:[img]

This made me lol
[Mar 31,2013 11:55pm - permafrost ""]

ShadowSD said:Thanks to everyone who wished us luck.

This ended up being a great experience to my surprise, it was one of our biggest reactions ever, despite 80% of the crowd not being people we knew, and the first time I can remember for us that literally every last member of the crowd kept chanting for one more song until the place gave in and had to let us play an extra one (and I don't mean cluster of twenty boisterous die-hard dudes we brought chanting one more song, but the whole place, women and men, every age, and all the bands we were competing against, in a reaction I haven't seen from a crowd to a band unless a national was playing.) Shit was insane, like nothing we've experienced. I had figured beforehand that everyone but people we drew to the show would have sat on their hands.

We move on to the final round Saturday, April 13 at The Webster Theater. I have a feeling this one will be the challenge to win, because last I've heard, it turns out only one band makes it from there to NEMAHF.

Have to say though, last night would even have been worth it if there was no competition and just as a stand alone show, given that we have so many new names on our mailing list and completely against my expectations got treated like f'ing rock stars by the crowd.

Moral: Anonymous trolls bitch in threads. Bands play shows, take chances, and build, one fan at a time.


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