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Back in Boston April 19-24, what do?

[Mar 28,2013 3:59am - Wolfy  ""]
Looking for suggestions.
[Mar 28,2013 9:15am - MotleyGrue ""]
Bang some broads?
[Mar 28,2013 9:43am - King Thunderstool  ""]
Kill Thundersteel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 28,2013 10:42am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 28,2013 11:47am - Wolfy  ""]
NEMHF was never fun for me. I would rather go to some local shows but it looks like Massachusetts is collectively dropping the ball that week. Broad banging sounds good in theory but I heard that there is an outbreak of some kind of sexually transmitted bird flu within a 150 km radius of Athol, and I don't want to bring it back to the far east like Wren brought AIDS to Deep Space 9. Maybe I will just eat canolis and listen to reruns of Car Talk.
[Mar 28,2013 11:19pm - Early_Cuyler ""]
When Jesus was president he ate babies all the time.
[Mar 28,2013 11:20pm - shutup_fagget ""]

Early_Cuyler said:When Jesus was president he ate babies all the time.
shutup fagget
[Mar 29,2013 8:04am - fernando ""]
lol Athol.

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