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True NorGay Black Metal

[Apr 2,2013 7:32pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Unholy Fagget Shit, what these eyes just saw cannot be unwashed. Just saw a pic from the inferno fest of the dude from Taake(?) getting blown on stage from the dude from the Shining..................................

[Apr 2,2013 7:40pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Still not as gay as this:

[Apr 2,2013 7:41pm - MotleyGrue ""]
it's on fagbook, ain't linking that bullshit.
[Apr 2,2013 7:43pm - MotleyGrue ""]
I had to stop that bullshit video as well.
[Apr 2,2013 10:26pm - goatrider ""]
Old news?

If so, lol @ youtube dipshits acting all butthurt (heh...) at the negative backlash. Metal dudes fagging out in concert is a retarded gimmick, and so is hetero erotic bullshit at Black Metal shows for that matter. Aside from the Venom-era 'we bang whores with massive tits' aesthetic, (realistic) sex doesn't belong in Metal.
[Apr 2,2013 10:56pm - Tom Hamilton Troll  ""]

goatrider said:Old news?

If so, lol @ youtube dipshits acting all butthurt (heh...) at the negative backlash. Metal dudes fagging out in concert is a retarded gimmick, and so is hetero erotic bullshit at Black Metal shows for that matter. Aside from the Venom-era 'we bang whores with massive tits' aesthetic, (realistic) sex doesn't belong in Metal.

Shutup fagget


[Apr 3,2013 12:17am - MotleyGrue ""]

Tom%20Hamilton%20Troll said:
goatrider said:Old news?

If so, lol @ youtube dipshits acting all butthurt (heh...) at the negative backlash. Metal dudes fagging out in concert is a retarded gimmick, and so is hetero erotic bullshit at Black Metal shows for that matter. Aside from the Venom-era 'we bang whores with massive tits' aesthetic, (realistic) sex doesn't belong in Metal.

Shutup fagget

Backed, Sex does have its place in Metal. Fuck the fagget shit.

[Apr 3,2013 1:40am - goatrider ""]
Leave penisaurus out of this!

I guess 'extreme metal' is a better term. It's true that the earlier, blatantly rock 'n roll influenced bands had plenty of sexual hedonism and what have you, so I spoke too soon.

What I will stand by is that Death and Black Metal, especially Black Metal, don't exactly scream "groupie-plowing backstage orgy music." Have songs about nuns getting sodomized by demons, that's totally cool. People seem to think lyrics don't matter, and that applies to an extent. But in the usually pop/rock sense? If Ildjarn covered "cherry pie," I'd have to call bullshit.

Back on subject, band members making out onstage is pathetic. Hate to say it, but two dudes just makes it worse. Once again, it's (allegedly) Black Metal. When you get offstage, go ahead and bang whoever the fuck you want. Even then, why not keep it in the bedroom?
[Apr 3,2013 8:32am - arilliusbm ""]
In b4 Alx says metal is about freedom of expression.
[Apr 3,2013 8:35am - Yeti ""]
Manson did it first.
[Apr 3,2013 8:51am - Snowden ""]
This is a tough one. On the one hand, I'm not really into "sexy black metal" as a stage gimmick. On the other hand, homophobes can fuck right off.
[Apr 3,2013 9:09am - ÆRK  ""]
MotleyGrue, you posted about it, people like you get up in arms about it, the bands get shock exposure, they win. What "belongs in metal" is bullshit and is only an idea that people have. It's the Marylin Manson tactic to the letter.
[Apr 3,2013 9:17am - arilliusbm ""]
Kvarforth has always done shock-inducing stuff. He disappeared for a year and everyone thought he was dead. He snorts lines on stage. Taake guy has his cock and balls hanging out of of jeans all the time. It's a match made in heaven.
[Apr 3,2013 9:20am - MotleyGrue ""]
Cheap shock tactic indeed, and yes Manson did do it first with Twiggy. I don't think I got up in arms about it really, maybe it was the way I worded it. Disgusted by it.........yeah.....
[Apr 3,2013 9:24am - Alx_Casket ""]

arilliusbm said:In b4 Alx says metal is about freedom of expression.

and suckin DICK
[Apr 3,2013 9:27am - MotleyGrue ""]
also forgot to mention that it doesn't bother me if the dudes are fags, or what they do with their personal lives, if they make badass music I will be the first to admit it. It's the music that is important.
[Apr 3,2013 9:33am - Matafuck_Uprise ""]

Snowden said:This is a tough one. On the one hand, I'm not really into "sexy black metal" as a stage gimmick. On the other hand, homophobes can fuck right off.

You is for this type behaviour yes? Make you want a true man on your belly, yes? I'll make for a wager that you are a man lover...try some a little yes? You gross pig!
[Apr 3,2013 10:15am - Scarf faggot  ""]

Alx_Casket said:
arilliusbm said:In b4 Alx says metal is about freedom of expression.

and suckin DICK

Next up, Barren Oak and Chris Grigg's dick.
[Apr 3,2013 10:22am - Alx_Casket ""]
Hope all the hipsters throw scarves onto the stage during the provocative act!
[Apr 3,2013 10:40am - shutup_fagget ""]

Alx_Casket said:Hope all the hipsters throw scarves onto the stage during the provocative act!

shutup scarf fagget
[Apr 3,2013 11:06am - flaccid_pickle ""]
This thread killed my boner.
[Apr 3,2013 12:17pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Suck a dick for Satan, you won't.

Also super mega lol @ marilyn manson inventing anything, GG did it first and it was his goddamn brother. Top that.
[Apr 3,2013 12:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
Frank Zappa and Alice Cooper
[Apr 3,2013 2:02pm - Yeti ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Suck a dick for Satan, you won't.

Also super mega lol @ marilyn manson inventing anything, GG did it first and it was his goddamn brother. Top that.

hahaha touché

also, what's more blasphemous than a cock in your mouth?
[Apr 3,2013 2:47pm - robotpie ""]

Yeti said:
DestroyYouAlot said:Suck a dick for Satan, you won't.

Also super mega lol @ marilyn manson inventing anything, GG did it first and it was his goddamn brother. Top that.

also, what's more blasphemous than a cock in your mouth?

....two cocks in your mouth? BLASPHEMY IS BUY ONE, GET ONE!
[Apr 3,2013 10:21pm - Hutt Burt Thybuttocks  ""]
Can the pc police in Boston book this ?
[Apr 4,2013 12:00am - shutup asshole  ""]

robotpie said:
Yeti said:
DestroyYouAlot said:Suck a dick for Satan, you won't.

Also super mega lol @ marilyn manson inventing anything, GG did it first and it was his goddamn brother. Top that.

also, what's more blasphemous than a cock in your mouth?

....two cocks in your mouth? BLASPHEMY IS BUY ONE, GET ONE!

shutup asshole
[Apr 4,2013 1:02am - BBoANP ""]
[Apr 4,2013 5:45am - truequintessence_nli  ""]
I'm sure they care what poor bred american hick posers think of them.
[Apr 4,2013 7:54am - conservationist ""]

goatrider said:Leave penisaurus out of this!

I guess 'extreme metal' is a better term. It's true that the earlier, blatantly rock 'n roll influenced bands had plenty of sexual hedonism and what have you, so I spoke too soon.

What I will stand by is that Death and Black Metal, especially Black Metal, don't exactly scream "groupie-plowing backstage orgy music." Have songs about nuns getting sodomized by demons, that's totally cool. People seem to think lyrics don't matter, and that applies to an extent. But in the usually pop/rock sense? If Ildjarn covered "cherry pie," I'd have to call bullshit.

Back on subject, band members making out onstage is pathetic. Hate to say it, but two dudes just makes it worse. Once again, it's (allegedly) Black Metal. When you get offstage, go ahead and bang whoever the fuck you want. Even then, why not keep it in the bedroom?


These newcomers are just imitating whatever they think will get their karma whore count up... kind of like most of the internet.

Extreme metal was weird and extreme because it wasn't about personal drama.

Also rare for that reason.
[Apr 4,2013 8:41am - Yeti ""]
this is what you all get for listening to shitty ass Shining.
[Apr 4,2013 11:27am - MikeOv  ""]
Shining rules.
[Apr 4,2013 11:42am - Andrew Hock  ""]
[Apr 8,2013 1:06pm - Truth  ""]

Yeti said:this is what you all get for listening to shitty ass Shining.

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