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[Apr 3,2013 4:24pm - the_reverend ""]
anyone else not do theirs yet?
[Apr 3,2013 4:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
I owed the federal government 1 dollar.

Trolled by Obama.
[Apr 3,2013 4:39pm - Sacreligion ""]
I worked under the table for the whole year and have 11,000 in lottery winnings to reprt. This should be interesting.
[Apr 3,2013 4:55pm - largefreakatzero ""]
We got fucked as usual and had to pay a shitload (in addition to the shitload we already withheld).

Fuck Obama and all of you fags that love him.
[Apr 3,2013 5:03pm - largefreakatzero ""]

arilliusbm said:I owed the federal government 1 dollar.

Trolled by Obama.

That is actually perfect. You don't want a return because that means they've had the year to dick around with money that is YOURS.

Send in a dollar bill after wiping your ass with it.
[Apr 3,2013 5:15pm - Burnsy ""]

largefreakatzero said: You don't want a return because that means they've had the year to dick around with money that is YOURS.

Exactly, nothing more than an interest free loan. Some people are just bad at saving though, so that's why they don't adjust their withholdings.
[Apr 3,2013 5:28pm - Yeti ""]
i did mine for the first time in 10 years.
[Apr 3,2013 8:12pm - Pon Raul  ""]

largefreakatzero said:We got fucked as usual and had to pay a shitload (in addition to the shitload we already withheld).

Fuck Obama and all of you fags that love him.

Fuck all you dumb shits who think taxes are some new thing Obama imposed on you by executive order. How's that property tax faggot?
[Apr 3,2013 8:38pm - Burnsy ""]
Agreed but property taxes have nothing to do with filing his 1040 unless he's itemizing, in which case, NH's high property taxes would help to reduce his taxable income.
[Apr 3,2013 11:33pm - shut up fagget  ""]

Burnsy said:Agreed but property taxes have nothing to do with filing his 1040 unless he's itemizing, in which case, NH's high property taxes would help to reduce his taxable income.

shut up fagget
[Apr 4,2013 1:22am - the_reverend ""]
When you factor in lower costs, no income or sales tax, nh wins by far. I also love getting back a huge return. Otherwise, I would have just spent it on something stupid or bills all along and not noticed it,
[Apr 4,2013 2:28am - Burnsy ""]
I get the psychology of getting a big tax refund. It's just that if you lend people money, you don't let someone borrow your shit for a year without some benefit to you. Government's got a good deal on that whole thing. Obama...
[Apr 4,2013 7:12am - chrisREX ""]
I'm getting a fat fucking check.
[Apr 4,2013 7:45am - conservationist ""]

Pon%20Raul said:Fuck all you dumb shits who think taxes are some new thing Obama imposed on you by executive order. How's that property tax faggot?

My property taxes pay for third world children to attend schools where they get taught nothing.

My federal income tax goes 50% to the military, and the other 50% goes mostly to parasites: welfare, gov't employee hiring, do-gooder social programs, etc.

A sane country could cut its taxes down to a very minimal level by excluding the parasites.
[Apr 4,2013 8:55am - the_reverend ""]

Burnsy said:I get the psychology of getting a big tax refund. It's just that if you lend people money, you don't let someone borrow your shit for a year without some benefit to you. Government's got a good deal on that whole thing. Obama...
I put my money in a bank with basically no interest. $18-$50 more in my paycheck would go unnoticed after a month. I would just waste it on something like dunkins. I use my big check for 2 things 1) I can claim more stuff against it (like a new camera from this year and RTTP server costs) and 2) I put it in my bank and use it as a buffer to draw down out of for the year when I spend more each month than I make which is basically every single month.

Please tell me how you didn't lose money (making less than inflation) on the money that you didn't have withheld? I would like to invest in this unless it's an RTTP for a shitty website.
[Apr 4,2013 9:37am - largefreakatzero ""]

Pon%20Raul said:
largefreakatzero said:We got fucked as usual and had to pay a shitload (in addition to the shitload we already withheld).

Fuck Obama and all of you fags that love him.

Fuck all you dumb shits who think taxes are some new thing Obama imposed on you by executive order. How's that property tax faggot?

Well, faggot, the high property tax is far easier to swallow than:

1. State income tax (isn't this going up in MA?)
2. High cost of homes and high cost of living
3. Overcrowding/traffic
4. All the dicks in your mouth

No, your black asshole hero didn't invent taxes, but I'm also paying more now than I ever did under Bush. Fuck off.
[Apr 4,2013 9:41am - ÆRK  ""]
amazing thread.
[Apr 4,2013 9:47am - the_reverend ""]

largefreakatzero said:Well, faggot, the high property tax is far easier to swallow than:

1. State income tax (isn't this going up in MA?)
2. High cost of homes and high cost of living
3. Overcrowding/traffic
4. All the dicks in your mouth

No, your black asshole hero didn't invent taxes, but I'm also paying more now than I ever did under Bush. Fuck off.

The property taxes aren't that high since home prices are undervalued and you don't have to pay income/sales. NH is ranked 44th (as in there are only 5 states with lower tax burdens) where as MA is 8th (meaning there are 41 states that have a lower ax burden).

One thing I'm glad about is that my company moved to NH at the same time as the Bush tax break went away. So I got a 3% increase instead of a 5% increase.
[Apr 4,2013 10:00am - Burnsy ""]

the_reverend said: Otherwise, I would have just spent it on something stupid or bills all along and not noticed it,

Yes, this is exactly my point that you don't seem to be noticing. It is YOUR money all along. I'm not losing money. Don't know exactly how you figure that getting a smaller refund is somehow losing money. If the amounts are too small for you to notice or save towards one of these big ticket purchases, that's on you, and is the crux of my original point.
[Apr 4,2013 10:08am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah man, in your advanced age you shouldn't need the feds to help you save your money.
[Apr 4,2013 10:20am - ÆRK  ""]
"your money" is just an abstraction. there's a system that enables you the opportunity to make it "your money," there are banks that use "your money" and how taxes are used is another issue. and conservationist who seems to think society would be better with a monarch should be reminded we're all parasites, and rich folks are just as parasitic as welfare recipients, tax evasion and tax benefits are the same thing. you can complain about taxes or complain about how they're spent, which isn't all of the sudden some problem that is decided by who's new in the oval office but the millions of other government employees.
[Apr 4,2013 10:25am - largefreakatzero ""]
Money is quite abstract, and becoming more so every time they print more. Cyprus, anyone?
[Apr 4,2013 10:26am - ÆRK  ""]
a good example of rich parasites.
[Apr 4,2013 10:26am - Burnsy ""]
Abstraction? You work, you earn wages. Your money. I'm not saying all the cash is yours, the government gets their cut but the refund itself is money you earned. There's no abstraction. Also, all of the sudden? YOU'RE KILLIN ME GUY!
[Apr 4,2013 10:31am - ÆRK  ""]
i'm saying earned money that is also worth something and the expectation that you can continue to make it and that it will continue to be worth something. it's not "your gold" is what i'm saying. one of the reasons taxes are paid is to ensure it's still worth anything and there's an infrastructure that provides you the opportunity to make it. ugh. i need another coffee.
[Apr 4,2013 10:32am - ÆRK  ""]
you all of the sudden got a problem with my phrase guy?
[Apr 4,2013 10:40am - Burnsy ""]

ÆRK said:you all of the sudden got a problem with my phrase guy?

I could care less. ;-)
[Apr 4,2013 10:41am - ÆRK  ""]
i suddenly irregardless.
[Apr 4,2013 10:41am - Burnsy ""]
But I get what you're saying now. Agreed.
[Apr 4,2013 10:56am - dreadkill ""]
i haven't done my taxes yet.
[Apr 4,2013 11:07am - arilliusbm ""]
I can't believe you faggets get all worked up over a portmanteau of irrespective and regardless. Yes, it's not an official word, but it has been widely used for 200 years.
[Apr 4,2013 11:13am - Burnsy ""]
Irregardless IS an official word. It just sucks and people should be stoned to death for using it. Nothing wrong with irrespective.
[Apr 4,2013 11:17am - largefreakatzero ""]
You fucking guys accidentally the whole thing.
[Apr 4,2013 11:48am - HERMAN CAIN (R)  ""]




[Apr 4,2013 12:17pm - ShadowSD ""]
I think, on a purely objective basis, the argument that local and state issues (state income tax, property taxes, traffic) are the fault of Obama makes no sense, because it's a fact that the last decade as a whole has seen a massive drop in how much money the federal government gives to states and localities; Obama fought that trend somewhat with the stimulus (which was one third money to states and localities), and has been arguing for more of that while the other party has been blocking him and we've been watching that for four years now. Whichever side you agree with, we all watched that happen. And of course the crash of 2008 also left us with a shitty economy that put even more pressure on everyone's wallet blah blah blah everyone knows that.

(My point is that it's one thing to say that hey, I'm a conservative and I think the federal government shouldn't spend on states, the states and cities should just tighten their belts - but then you can't at the same time blame the direct effects of that on the very side advocating to give states and localities enough money to avoid having to hike your property taxes and state income taxes to balance their budgets. I know what you might say, well the Democrats in state and local government should have cut more spending instead of raising taxes at all - but how is that the fault of the federal government exactly?

It wasn't long ago at all that conservatives in DC would push for more money back to the states and localities so less of that money would be allocated by the federal government. That argument makes a lot of sense to me, what ever happened to that? Their whole economic strategy has dropped good conservative arguments like that and has instead been reduced to buttfucking local economies in whatever way possible while hoping that people who hate Obama will blame him for it anyway - and it does work to some extent because people who hate Obama love to hate Obama, but what job is Congress even being paid for at that point if their entire goal is to purposely piss in the pool and blame the other guy? While doing that on a single issue for a few days to the other party is an old tradition in DC, there's not another example in history of a party in Congress doing that intentionally as a multi-year national economic strategy. Fucking insane.)

When it comes to federal taxes, which is the topic of the thread, Obama has cut them more for under $250K/yr than any President, and we only got the two year payroll tax cut because he fought with the other party for weeks over it, it was only on the news every day.

But we're supposed to ignore all that objective data because Obama make people mad. Got it.
[Apr 4,2013 12:26pm - ShadowSD ""]
And now that I'm done writing my usual boring serious rant in a political thread, here's a much more entertaining lulzy cartoon that makes fun of all sides of this issue:

[Apr 4,2013 12:26pm - the_reverend ""]

Burnsy said:Irregardless IS an official word. It just sucks and people should be stoned to death for using it. Nothing wrong with irrespective.
it's a perfectly cromulent word
[Apr 4,2013 12:27pm - larry tate  ""]

largefreakatzero said:
No, your black asshole hero didn't invent taxes, but I'm also paying more now than I ever did under Bush. Fuck off.

The same Bush who turned a surplus into a deficit and bankrolled two endless wars on your dime? DERRR... I LIEK WHEN WE BLOW UP THE TOWELHEADS BUT I DON'T WANNA PAY FOR IT. Also cite some examples, dill weed.
[Apr 4,2013 12:28pm - the_reverend ""]

Burnsy said:
the_reverend said: Otherwise, I would have just spent it on something stupid or bills all along and not noticed it,

Yes, this is exactly my point that you don't seem to be noticing. It is YOUR money all along. I'm not losing money. Don't know exactly how you figure that getting a smaller refund is somehow losing money. If the amounts are too small for you to notice or save towards one of these big ticket purchases, that's on you, and is the crux of my original point.

like most true americans, I would waste it.

largefreakatzero said:Yeah man, in your advanced age you shouldn't need the feds to help you save your money.

you commie bro? In america, we waste money.

[Apr 4,2013 12:34pm - SLAG IS DEAD  ""]
TL;DR - Life sucks. Let us end it.
[Apr 4,2013 3:11pm - largefreakatzero ""]

larry%20tate said:
largefreakatzero said:
No, your black asshole hero didn't invent taxes, but I'm also paying more now than I ever did under Bush. Fuck off.

The same Bush who turned a surplus into a deficit and bankrolled two endless wars on your dime? DERRR... I LIEK WHEN WE BLOW UP THE TOWELHEADS BUT I DON'T WANNA PAY FOR IT. Also cite some examples, dill weed.

Why do you log out to argue with me? Are you really afraid that I'll beat you up for name calling and being generally annoying? Please.

Bush/Cheney administration was garbage. Obama/Biden sucks just as much or worse. Have you ignored the fact that the fucking guy has basically blown just about every one of his campaign promises? We still have the Afghanistan mess, retard, and your hero has thrown even more troops at it throughout his administration. I've supported none of the war efforts, we should leave the blowing up of towelheads to towelheads because they've been doing it so well for thousands of years.
[Apr 4,2013 3:14pm - largefreakatzero ""]

ShadowSD said:I think, on a purely objective basis, the argument that local and state issues (state income tax, property taxes, traffic) are the fault of Obama makes no sense.

I'll just cut off your exhausting diatribe right there, because nobody is saying that state taxes have anything to do with federal taxes. Some scared troll brought up high property tax and I did a quick NH-MA comparison.

Work on reading comprehension and sentence structure. A run-on sentence is not a sentence.
[Apr 4,2013 4:11pm - ShadowSD ""]
You said "I'm also paying more now than I ever did under Bush", and called Obama an asshole as a conclusion sentence to a list of topics you typed which included state taxes. Sounds like I read it just fine.

Semicolons and parentheses mean the sentence can go longer than only using commas; I pushed it a little bit up there, but not as much as you're making it sound.
[Apr 4,2013 4:58pm - largefreakatzero ""]
No, the logged out fag brought up 2 separate points to attack me on and I addressed them separately. The numbered list was comparing MA to NH (property tax comment). The Obama comment was answering the accusation that somehow I think that Obama invented taxes.
[Apr 4,2013 5:02pm - ShadowSD ""]
OK, you didn't mean the two to be related, fair enough, my mistake.
[Apr 4,2013 5:36pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I did mine at the beginning of February and got $1304 back. THANKS OBAMA.
[Apr 4,2013 7:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I usually get back 3k to 6k. Not after this year though
[Apr 5,2013 4:45pm - the_reverend ""]
I have to get this done this weekend.
[Apr 5,2013 5:03pm - narkybark ""]
I love how MA basically punishes you for being a property owner.

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