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Hiking Spots

[Apr 24,2013 3:27pm - chrisREX ""]
Looking for a good day hike spot around Boston, no more than two hour drive. Not Monadnock, or Purgatory Chasm. Any recommendations?
[Apr 24,2013 3:28pm - Alx_Casket ""]
edit: this is more like multiple paths in the woods, not really hiking per se. But for the proximity to Boston, it's great.
[Apr 24,2013 3:35pm - Mark_R ""]
Me too.
[Apr 24,2013 4:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
Fuck the fells. Browse the MA state forest map. There's a bunch. One of my faves is
Douglas State Forest, finding the tri state marker.
Fagbook me and we'll do a heathen hike
[Apr 24,2013 4:23pm - Czarnobog ""]
just hiked around World's End in Hull the other day. pretty low-key, nothing too heavy duty. its mostly old carriage paths. but cool as hell and right on Quincy Bay. its like 2 miles from Nantasket Beach.
[Apr 24,2013 5:25pm - Yeti ""]
Douglas State Forest is backed. the hike to the tri-state marker is long but not too difficult. there are some old farm ruins too, which are pretty cool.
[Apr 24,2013 5:26pm - Yeti ""]
also i don't know how far it is from you but Crow Hill in Leominster is a good one.
[Apr 24,2013 5:42pm - Alx_Casket ""]

arilliusbm said:Fuck the fells. Browse the MA state forest map. There's a bunch. One of my faves is
Douglas State Forest, finding the tri state marker.
Fagbook me and we'll do a heathen hike

Your ankle doing better, old wizard?
[Apr 24,2013 5:46pm - arilliusbm ""]
Nope. But it doesn't stop me. I've got really good hiking boots now and if need be, can wear a brace. Got to go to the doctor though, but fuck off nowadays doctors.
[Apr 24,2013 7:28pm - curlyred ""]
Royalston falls is nice but it isn't a full day thing.
[Apr 25,2013 9:20am - largefreakatzero ""]

arilliusbm said:Nope. But it doesn't stop me. I've got really good hiking boots now and if need be, can wear a brace. Got to go to the doctor though, but fuck off nowadays doctors.

Fucked up ankles suck. I broke my left ankle trying to land an ollie off a 3ft launch ramp 25 years ago and that fucking thing still rolls on my to this day. I made it through last hunting season with a brace, but I think I'm going to have to retire the Muck Boots and go to an Irish Setter or something with more support.
[Apr 25,2013 10:59am - the_reverend ""]
aril, you just need a bleeding. I will get my leeches.
[Apr 25,2013 11:52am - dreadkill ""]

arilliusbm said:Fuck the fells.

I like the Fells :(
[Apr 25,2013 11:54am - arilliusbm ""]
Fells is alright for slickers.
[Apr 25,2013 3:19pm - chrisREX ""]
I grew up near Douglas but I have never been to that park. Drove through it once at night and it was spooky. I was totally ready for a yeti attack.

I was looking at the ipswich river wildlife sanctuary, that place looks nice. Anyone been there?
[Apr 25,2013 8:35pm - King Thunderstool  ""]

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