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Rockbitch appreciation

[May 16,2013 3:58pm - Spence ""]

Friend just sent me this. Pretty mih music, but I can definitely appreciate a bunch of nude chicks on stage.
[May 16,2013 4:14pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I have watched the dvd while high on several occasions.
[May 16,2013 4:23pm - Samantha ""]
Yes!! I convinced my old roommate to buy one of their concert videos over a decade ago, back when VHS was cool. Music is meh. Stage show is awesome. As far as I know, this band is no more, but they probably still live together in their left hand path pagan lesbian sex commune in France.
[May 16,2013 4:29pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Spence posts the absolute worst threads.
[May 16,2013 4:30pm - Spence ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Spence posts the absolute worst threads.

[May 16,2013 4:33pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Oh dear me, I got called gay for not liking Spence's copy pasta on some shitty band that virtually everyone rightfully ignored back when they were active because their music sucks and you can see tits and vag whenever you want thanks to the internet.
[May 16,2013 4:54pm - shutup fagget  ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Oh dear me, I got called gay

shutup fagget
[May 16,2013 4:56pm - Spence ""]
You know someone's having a bad day when a 5 second Futurama clip leads to a bitchfit.
[May 16,2013 5:14pm - BBW enthusiast  ""]
These women weigh less than 300 pounds. Spence posts the worst threads.
[May 16,2013 5:28pm - Yeti ""]
well, you know what they say. Spence is dense.
[May 16,2013 8:19pm - Boblex Rooney likes this  ""]

BBW%20enthusiast said:These women weigh less than 300 pounds. Spence posts the worst threads.

[May 17,2013 8:08am - DYA is ON THE CASE  ""]
4/10 band, 8/10 stage show, 2/10 thread
[May 17,2013 9:22am - Bill Cheesespeaker  ""]
Can Barren Jello get on this?
[May 17,2013 10:25am - Golden Condom  ""]
No one is going to congratulate Spence on his first erection??
[May 17,2013 1:06pm - goatrider ""]

Spence said:I can definitely appreciate a bunch of nude chicks on stage.

Then go to a titty club. You can even eat popeye's out of some strippers cellulite.
[May 17,2013 1:22pm - Honest Review of This Post  ""]

goatrider said:
Spence said:I can definitely appreciate a bunch of nude chicks on stage.

Then go to a titty club. You can even eat popeye's out of some strippers cellulite.

[May 17,2013 3:01pm - the_reverend ""]
music sucks

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