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ATTN: Czarnobog

[May 17,2013 12:37pm - Samantha ""]
I got an email this morning from ugf666@yahoo.com with a suspicious link that the firewall at work says is a phishing scam. It was sent to the Rev, Slag, Spence, and a bunch of other people. You might want to change your password.
[May 17,2013 12:47pm - nekronaut ""]
Why do you have Spencer's email address?

[May 17,2013 12:55pm - The_reverend ""]
I'd rather be phishing
[May 17,2013 12:59pm - Samantha ""]
Don't even get me started on Phish. They once caused my hometown to reak of patchouli and armpits for a week straight.
[May 17,2013 12:59pm - Czarnobog ""]
oh shit, sorry. thanks for the heads up. i haven't checked that account in years. see if i can remember the login and i will put it down.
[May 17,2013 1:04pm - Samantha ""]
I had to google the email address because I had no idea who it was. The first thing that came up was Unholy Goatfucker.
[May 17,2013 1:10pm - Czarnobog ""]

nekronaut said:Why do you have Spencer's email address?

he probably emailed looking for corpse paint tips or something and the spambot clung onto his address.
[May 18,2013 2:12am - The_reverend ""]
I'd rather be phishing
[May 18,2013 6:48am - Ancient Master nli  ""]
Phishing for compliments...lol amirite?
[May 18,2013 9:38am - Spence ""]

nekronaut said:Why do you have Spencer's email address?

How does anyone here have my email address?

Or does this site list email addresses and I just haven't been observant enough to notice?
[May 18,2013 9:48am - Spence@faggetmail.fag  ""]
Subject: Problem adding you to Metal Archives
Date: March 12, 2011
To: ugf666@yahoo.com

Hi Unholy Goatfucker,
Just want you to know I was going to add you to Metal Archives but it looks like Wren already did. Anyway, since I lost out on the MA points for adding you could you just send me some stickers or a patch for my battle jacket? No need for the demo, I'm not really into music that much. But if you've got a bio kicking around that I can copy and paste onto Metal Archives and then quote from like it's my original thoughts that'd be appreesh'd.

Yours in Christ,
Spencer M. Clark
[May 18,2013 10:02am - Spence ""]
Not gonna lie, when I saw that anon name, I was expecting something much funnier.

[May 18,2013 12:33pm - shutup fagget  ""]

Spence@faggetmail.fag said:Subject: Problem adding you to Metal Archives
Date: March 12, 2011
To: ugf666@yahoo.com

Hi Unholy Goatfucker,
Just want you to know I was going to add you to Metal Archives but it looks like Wren already did. Anyway, since I lost out on the MA points for adding you could you just send me some stickers or a patch for my battle jacket? No need for the demo, I'm not really into music that much. But if you've got a bio kicking around that I can copy and paste onto Metal Archives and then quote from like it's my original thoughts that'd be appreesh'd.

Yours in Christ,
Spencer M. Clark

shutup fagget

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