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Selling guitars mini amp and processor

[Jul 2,2013 10:02am - darkenedsoul ""]
Looking to sell the following:

Ibanez RG350 White 6 string in very good condition with softshell case - $325
Ibanez GAX70 Black 6 string in very good condition with hardshell case - $200
Peavey Predator Plus Black 6 string tuned down to A, bridge locked - $150
Peavey Rage 158 mini 8" 15w amp $40
Line 6 FloorPod Plus $150

All are in working order, guitars have locking clips for straps and include straps on the Ibanez's.

All sales cash/final and only local sales (northeastern MA/southern NH)

[Jul 2,2013 7:33pm - darkenedsoul ""]
I also have a Korg padKontrol 16 pad MIDI drum pad controller like new condition with manual and USB cable (should have cd somewhere but software can be downloaded from korg's site). Asking $150 for it.
[Jul 17,2013 9:33pm - darkenedsoul ""]
you know, prices aren't set in stone, so some haggling can be done. But I am not budging too much as an FYI. ;-)
[Jul 17,2013 9:38pm - RTTP Translator  ""]

darkenedsoul said:you know, prices aren't set in stone, so some fagging can be done. But I am not bulging too much as an FYI. ;-)

[Jul 23,2013 10:54pm - darkenedsoul ""]
Come on, I cna haggle on prices. But I want to move the stuff...get off yer asses nad make me an offer.....
[Aug 13,2013 9:29pm - darkenedsoul ""]
Price drops as follows:
Ibanez RG350 White 6 string in very good condition with softshell case - $275
Ibanez GAX70 Black 6 string in very good condition with hardshell case - $160
Peavey Predator Plus Black 6 string tuned down to A, bridge locked - $120
Peavey Rage 158 mini 8" 15w amp $35
Line 6 FloorPod Plus $125
Korg padKontrol $125

And again, local only (southern NH, northeastern MA areas). PM me here or contact me at metalmike@comcast.net if interested.


PS - thanks for the plug Aaron, appreciated!
[Sep 2,2013 1:44pm - darkenedsoul ""]
What, noone has some cash to spend so I can get some coin needed?
[Sep 3,2013 12:55pm - RTTP CLEANUP CREW SR.  ""]
[Sep 3,2013 1:35pm - MS. RTTP CLEANUP CREW  ""]
[Nov 3,2013 3:23pm - darkenedsoul ""]
Items still available. Buy yourself an early xmas present and help a brother out who could use some cash.

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