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[Jul 8,2013 10:25pm - death-metal ""]

As a publication Aristokratia unequivocally and unapologetically postulates ideas which challenge popular thought. Furthermore, to encourage diversity of content we present contrasting opinions within a single issue.

Arisokratia therefore does not express a unified concept but rather an array of ideas on a variety of topics. The only thing that they have in common is the subject matter or the theme, and whilst one author may espouse a particular idea, another author within the same issue may challenge it. The editorial purpose for this is to encourage active thought in the reader, rather than bland acceptance.

Aristokratia does not promote, nor attach itself to any contemporary model of politics.

Aristokratia is published by Manticore Press in India at www.manticore.in

[Jul 9,2013 12:33am - rubber chicken  ""]
[Jul 9,2013 12:51am - death-metal ""]

rubber%20chicken said:[img]

[Jul 9,2013 6:02am - Ancient Master nli  ""]
Whats the use of dialectics when I know my reality is right, and everyone else is wrong?
[Jul 9,2013 8:48am - death-metal ""]
Reality is right. The rest of us are just interpreters
[Jul 9,2013 8:57am - eye-gore ""]
What if D-O-G spelled cat?
[Jul 9,2013 10:43am - meth-metal  ""]
At first I was M-E-H, but no I am like E-H.
[Jul 9,2013 7:12pm - death-metal ""]

eye-gore said: What if D-O-G spelled cat?

Only Naked and Lubricated Baby Jesus (by Mattel) knows.

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