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New KHAND Track and other news

[Jul 9,2013 11:53am - arilliusbm ""]
For the very few that care.. Uploaded a newer track that will be on the next release.. Going to tweak some parts before it gets released.


Also, the previous albums (Interstellar Dominions and Fires of Celestial Ardour) are being released on cassette by the a new label by the good chaps that put CAVE EVIL out. Copies will be available later this year!

[Jul 9,2013 11:55am - ark  ""]
awesome, any chance of a vyynyl?
[Jul 9,2013 12:00pm - arilliusbm ""]
Not yet, but it's in the plans.
[Jul 9,2013 12:15pm - Ancient Master nli  ""]
Make available in India plz
[Jul 9,2013 1:29pm - anonymous  ""]
This shit is so fucking gay.
[Jul 9,2013 1:40pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]
I Khand believe you'd say that, anon.

Also, if Aril is every troll, who trolls Aril?
[Jul 9,2013 1:58pm - xmikex ""]
Squires only dream of being Fenders
[Jul 9,2013 2:10pm - CurlyRed ""]
I like it.
[Jul 9,2013 8:11pm - Nash/nli  ""]
Quite peaceful. Helped me relax, thanks for that Jim.
[Jul 9,2013 8:27pm - death-metal ""]
This has a lot of potential... now uploading to Christian forums worldwide.
[Jul 9,2013 8:30pm - space jam (racist director's cut)  ""]
Make em' relax (cum), Jimmy.
[Jul 9,2013 9:56pm - Annika Bengtzon, crime reporter.  ""]
Vittnena kommer inte att samarbeta. Jag har erbjudit sig att betala dem, men ...
[Jul 10,2013 9:17am - arilliusbm ""]
Glad you liked it Nash / Curly Red. Also, I admit, the name is dumb.
[Jul 10,2013 9:23am - death-metal ""]
What's dumb about the name? Sounds Tolkien-esque. I enjoyed this track. People are gonna bitch because no two people like their ambient music the same way (sort of like anal insertion: everyone has a kink and a glitch).
[Jul 10,2013 9:34am - Yeti ""]
Khand is definitely not a stupid name. it is Tolkien, it's the land south of Mordor.
[Jul 10,2013 9:37am - arilliusbm ""]
The name of the song. I'm also going to fix the drums and try to make it flow better before it's released
[Jul 10,2013 9:39am - CurlyRed ""]
I like the name too, I am also a Tolkien fan.

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