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web hosting?

[Jul 7,2004 1:33pm - FCProTony  ""]
Not sure if anyone here is in the market but I am working at Hit Catcher Web Hosting for the summer and thought I’d pass along some info. Hit Catcher hosts a ton of hardcore / metal sites. They host Bane, Killswitch Engage, Only Crime, The Promise, Silent Drive, Bury Your Dead, Full Blown Chaos, Trivium, Jailhouse Records, and about 300 more. They have decent prices and amazing support. I’m working here this summer so if you call up I’ll most likely be the guy helping you move your site over or answering some of your tech support questions. Sorry if this seems like spam. I just wanted you guys to at least hear about these guys in case your hosting co is sucking balls.
[Jul 7,2004 1:37pm - RustedAngel ""]

re-code.com, shownomercy.com, need I say more? hahahahahaa
[Jul 7,2004 1:48pm - the_reverend ""]
http://www.theplanet.com is what rttp is on.

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